PRESIDENT JOYCE BANDA’S SON GEOFF SPITS FIRE ON CASH GATE, SISTER KUMPUKWE CALLS MALAWIANS, ‘MAKAPE’, FOOLS As the family of Malawi President Joyce Banda gets the anger bellowing from the majority of Malawians over the first family’s role in the ‘Capital-Hill Cash Gate Scandal,’ the first son, Geoffrey Kachale has come out in the open vending his anger on the country’s citizenry. Writing on his personal Facebook account on Wednesday, Kachale who has been mentioned in many dubious details together with younger brother, Roy wrote the following; “This nonsense must stop forthwith. Why take pleasure in spreading lies? Why hide your identity if you are saying the truth? Why don’t you present the evidence that you have to the legitimate authorities? Come on guys!!” In support of the post by Geoffrey Kachale, President Joyce Banda’s younger sister, Cecilia Kumpukwe described Malawians speaking on the cash gate scam as ‘Makape.’ Makape can be loosely translated in simple English as “Dunderheads,” or “Stupid people”, “Retarde beings,” “Fools.” Cecilia Kumpukwe is President Joyce Banda’s closest relation trusted with the running of all affairs in State House. All the looted government money, donations to the President are often entrusted in this kid sister of Joyce Banda. Geoffrey Kachale’s attack on Malawians’ integrity got support and positive comments from among other bootlickers including the following; Manganaye Kambauwa Mphande, Michael Das, Fides Jim Kachale, Dalitso Mag D Magelegele, Joe Kaoza, Haswell Dominic Sichali, Zitto Phillips, Matthew Kamwendo, Debrah Debs Kachale and of course the President’s younger sister Cecilia Kumpukwe among many others. OUR RESPONSES TO GEOFFREY KACHALE No Malawian is spreading lies against you Mr Geoffrey Kachale. Malawians are only asking if you and your younger brother Roy Kachale can exonerate yourselves from the happenings at the government heartbeat, Capital-Hill where within the 1 and half years your mother, Joyce Hilda Mtila Banda has been in power billions in taxpayers money have been looted allegedly with the two of you, Geoff and Roy at the centre of this scams. FACTS - You, Geoffrey Kachale, though married you have been having a steamy love affair with one Caroline Savala, aged 31, from Lilongwe. ‘Caro’ Savala as you often fondly call is a member of the Orange Partners, Central Province. In fact she is the organisation’s Deputy Organisaing Secretary (Central Province. She is the same girl, you, Geoffrey Kachale, helped to secure that MK49 million from Malawi Government coffers into her bank accounts. The girl was arrested by the Police last weekend and now faces charges whilst you, the accomplice, Geoffrey Kachale remains scot free. If you want us bring the evidence here how the two of you have been enjoying this intimacy, please advise we are happy to detail all your escapades right here. - You, Geoffrey Kachale and your younger brother Roy Kachale have been running clandestine business activities with one Osward Lutepo who is currently on the run. But you Geoff Kachale and Roy Kachale have been left scot free but there is a warrant of arrest for your accomplice Osward Lutepo. - You, Geoffrey Kachale and your younger brother Roy Kachale have secured several Government of Malawi contracts one of which is the road that bypasses the administrative capital, Lilongwe from Bunda College Turn-Off. - You, Geoffrey Kachale and your younger brother Roy Kachale and your on-the-run accomplice Osward Lutepo are directly involved in arson activities that took place at the public electricity company headquarters, ESCOM, about two weeks ago in order to conceal evidence over illegal business contracts that you got from there. - You, Geoffrey Kachale and your younger brother, Roy Kachale own a fleet of trucks, 62 to be precise that were dubiously acquired during the 1 and half years your mother, Mrs Joyce Banda has been in power. - You, Geoffrey Kachale and your younger brother Roy Kachale have within the last 1 and half years your mother have been in power rehabilitated into international status the Tigers Club and many other bars and entertainment joins that you own and operate. - You, Geoffrey Kachale and your younger brother Roy Kachale have been running illegal business contracts with the Portuguese construction company, Mota Engel and we have all the details. - You, Geoffrey Kachale and your younger brother Roy Kachale have been withdrawing government money from the Malawi Defence Forces account with Osward Lutepo and Ephraim Chibvunde as your accomplices. Both Lutepo and Chibvunde are executive members of the Peoples Party, a political grouping founded by your mum, Mrs Joyce Hilda Mtila Banda. Ephraim Chibvunde is the man the Anti-Corruption Bureau found to have had unexplained MK400 million in his bank accounts last month. However, on instructions from your mother, the President Joyce Hilda Mtila Banda that warrant of arrest for Mr Chibvunde has since been withdrawn. There are plenty more dubious business transactions that we can list here but we have deliberately chosen not to waiting for the right moment. Malawi has had two Presidents before your mother came into power and they had children too. Legitimately elected presidents of the Republic of Malawi Dr Bakili Muluzi (retired) and Professor Bingu Wa Mutharika’s (late) children never described Malawians as nonsense on Facebook pages whenever there were allegations against their names. We are happy you, Geoffrey Kachale, has come out to set this precedence and Malawians will respond to you at an appropriate time. We also hope the legitimate authorities that you are appealing to Malawians to present evidence to are not the ones that are in Malawi under the authority of President Joyce Hilda Mtila Banda who happens to be your mother. “Ukakhala pa nsana pa njobvu, umasati kunja kulibe mame.” OUR RESPONSES TO CECILIA KUMPUKWE Please just eat what you have on the table. When you go on to describe Malawians as Makape, dunderheads and stupid it’s kind of inflicting more pain on wounds. We are all watching carefully on whatever activities you are undertaking. By the way Cecilia Kumpukwe, mother of Mphatso and Mike Kumpukwe we have in our possession your pays lip from Mount Soche Hotel where you last worked before landing this Christmas job in State House. We can display it here if you want. From that little salary, you now own houses, vehicles and various other forms of investments whose details we have handy. Yes, today, we Malawians ndi Makape, dunderheads, stupid, retarde beings and fools but our day will surely come. OUR RESPONSES TO THE BOOTLICKERS Manganaye Kambauwa Mphande, Michael Das, Fides Jim Kachale, Dalitso Mag D Magelegele, Joe Kaoza, Haswell Dominic Sichali, Zitto Phillips, Matthew Kamwendo, Debrah Debs Kachale… We have noted you and Malawians are fully aware of who exactly is dining with the royal sons of the President of the Republic of Malawi. Time will come and please make sure don’t desert them when they are made to answer for what you are enjoying today with them.
Posted on: Thu, 31 Oct 2013 09:56:02 +0000

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