PRESIDENT KENYATTA OVERHAULS STATE HOUSE NEDIA DEPARTMENT; President Uhuru Kenyatta announced his intent to overhaul how Government communicates and interacts with citizens –by establishing the Presidential Strategic Communications Unit (PSCU). PSCU will replace PPS that was largely tasked with covering the President. PSCU will be charged with covering the President and the First Lady, Research on Policy, communication of Government Policy, digitization of government communications and branding State events and functions. In a major departure from tradition, the new unit will be headed and managed by a Secretary of Communications –who will also be State House Spokesman Manoah Esipisu has been appointed the First holder of the new office. Manoah takes over from Isaya Kabira, who had been appointed Kenya’s Ambassador to Australia. Manoah has had a distinguished career as a journalist and diplomat, starting off his media career with the Standard Group, where he reported briefly before joining the global news and information group Reuters. Manoah has also worked at the Commonwealth Secretariat in London, where he was Spokesperson and Deputy Director of Communication and Public Affairs. Until his appointment he was a special assistant to the President of African Development Bank. Five Directors will guide the vision and implementation of the new outfit. Eric Ng’eno a lawyer and writer will be the Director Speechwriting and Research. He will spearhead specialized writing under his department. Edward Irungu formerly of PPS, will head the Press department. Which will be transformed into a modern Presidential Newsroom. Munyori Boku, a former Standard Editor and Director of Communications at the Treasury will head the Department of External Communications and Media and will be in charge of communicating with local and International newsrooms . James Kinyua, formerly with PPS will head the Events and Branding department and will be tasked in developing a new State House and Government look raising the bar on the staging of State events. The Digital, New Media and Diaspora Director will be Journalist and blogger Dennis Itumbi. Itumbi who has worked as a journalist with local and International media will be charged with the role of ensuring communication using new media and modern tools including mobile applications, in State House and Across Government. Itumbi will be charged with connecting those in the diaspora and users of digital space with the Presidency and Government. He will be deputized by David Nzioka and Marvin Tumbo. The President says, “I am confident that the new thinking on communications represents the promise of the Jubilee Government to demystify State House and crucially to keep in touch with its people through engaging them through feedback and direct involvement.” Adding, “ we urge the team to move with speed and ensure that State House sets the pace for Government communication.”
Posted on: Sat, 13 Jul 2013 09:36:08 +0000

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