PRESIDENT KENYATTA PRESIDES OVER A FAILED SYSTEM. IT WOULD HAVE BEEN BETTER IF HE HAD SPENT HIS TIME ATTENDING HIS TRIAL AT THE HAGUE! The most important single function of government is to secure the rights and freedoms of individual citizens. Thomas Paine once argued thus, Rights are not gifts from one man to another, nor from one class of men to another… It is impossible to discover any origin of rights otherwise than in the origin of man; it consequently follows that rights appertain to man in right of his existence, and must therefore be equal to every man. It is only natural that the first role of government is to protect life and all those things that make the existence of it citizenry possible. The Jubilee government seems to have failed in this role. How criminal gangs can attack villages at will, commit grisly murders and even relieve police officers of arms is to say the very least unbelievably shocking. The situation in Lamu best illustrates how the Jubilee government is failure. The helplessness President Kenyatta and his deputy have been eagerly demonstrating by making vague references to political instigation as the root cause of the the problem in Lamu only serves to reinforce the notion that the two are presiding over a failed system. Their utterances only make it look like we are living in a failed state! It is shocking that the unrest is happening in Lamu - where the government is supposed to be building a new port - and the president seems at a loss what to do about it! If it is a matter of economic sabotage, the president should atleast demonstrate greater demonstration to avert the crisis! Arresting Governor Issa Timamy and a few trader from Malindi and hauling them up before the judges on trumped up charges is not enough! Rushing to hire ten thousand personnel is not enough. The government ought to get to the bottom of the issue and address it once and for all! The Lamu attacks should not be treated as a new phenomenon. We have had similar if not worse scenarios in Tana River and Mandera counties. Under President Kenyattas reign, Kenya has become a nation informed by hitherto unimaginable levels of insecurity and endless rhetorical assurances from the President. If we are not grappling with Lamu-Tana River-Mandera type attacks, we will be dealing with terrorist attacks of all magnitudes. If the government cannot even protect its people, it has no business purporting to govern them. It is appearing as though the president and his deputy are more concerned about their ICC cases than the welfare of Kenyans. If that be the case, the two gentlemen should relinquish the leadership of the country and focus on sorting out their trials and tribulations at The Hague.
Posted on: Fri, 11 Jul 2014 09:27:02 +0000

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