PRESIDENT MAHAMAH LACKS THE TEMERITY TO FIGHT CORRUPTION - A SIGN OF PRESIDENTIAL COMPLEXITY? The Ghanaian media is virtually awash with one corruption allegation or the other on daily basis. It has now become the norm rather than exception to hear the tax payer monies are being doled out to undeserving cronies of the powers that be and our President looks on in despairs without much of a crack whip, or is this a sign of presidential complexity in the many issues of corruption plaguing this nation under his watch? Scandals after scandal continue to deplete the state coffers while the presidential response is the setting up of committees and issuance of lame presidential instructions which no one acts on. The initial shock of paying over GHS 600 million in dubious gargantuan judgment debts culminating into the ‘’create, loot and share’’ regime of these cabals, to the GHS 45 million SADA guinea fowl and tree planting scandal and the GHS 960 million fake GYEEDA module scandal through to the GHS 144 million Ghana Revenue Authority / SUBAH debacles; all points to nothing but official collusions at the highest echelons of power. This is because all these monies did not just spirit away into the pockets of these so called entrepreneurs, these were monies paid through banks cheques and transfers and therefore tracing document for possible prosecution of all persons involved can be done without the cover ups that committees are set up to achieve. Ghanaians can hardly come to terms with one major corruption before another is uncovered, what is surprising also is that the boldness with which these activities are perpetrated have become legendary with rumors making the runs that major players in the inky fraternity and some media houses have been compromised by these avaricious individuals. As the country continues to witness daily reports of massive dissipation of our resources, it has become evident that President John Dramani Mahamah lacks the commitment, temerity and boldness to fight the pervasive corruption that has plagued the country under his watch. Whereas many government workers, civil and public servants are denied their salaries and other emoluments and whereas majority of Ghanaians at all levels of society wallow in abject poverty, with filth virtually swallowing up the capital city and many other cities and towns, and many infrastructural development halted, the government continue to dole out huge sums of monies to the president’s cronies parading the corridors of power as “businessmen” and “entrepreneurs” with very dubious and shady contracts. The Progressive Nationalist Forum and many well-meaning Ghanaians have been extremely traumatized by the wanton dissipation of state resources under the Presidency of John Dramani Mahama. There is the need to call for a bi-partisan approach to the fight against corruption as the fight has been lost to the perpetrators who flaunt their ill-gotten worth in our faces without any fear of apprehension. This year alone, many damming revelations of massive corrupt issues have been brought to the fore, sometimes through individual investigative journalists’ efforts. Whilst these journalist are applauded and sometimes given due recognition at the Ghana Journalist Awards, the risky venture they undertook for which their lives and that of their love ones and family members may be still in danger by these exposé, the real thrust would be to bring these nation wreakers to face the full rigors of the law, but with these lackadaisical attitude of President John Dramani Mahama, we have lost every hope and every monies illegally paid to these thieves. The people of Ghana deserves better than we are being served at the table now by the President Mahama administration. The PNF is calling on all civil society organizations, religious bodies, Chiefs and traditional rulers, our development partners and all other well-meaning citizens of Ghana to stand up and be counted through any legal form necessary to register our displeasure and force the President to apply the law to the letter if he is not complicit in these major scandals. LET US KILL CORRUPTION NO BEFORE CORRUPTION KILLS GHANA Signed: - Adam Badaru Askanda (0270386040) - Joseph Nana Kofi Akomeah, Secretary (024 602 8182) - Clement Tino Adu, Spokes Person (024 923 1158)
Posted on: Wed, 30 Oct 2013 12:58:16 +0000

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