PRESIDENT MICHAEL SATA OPENING OF PARLIAMENT SPEECHES 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011 AND PF MANIFESTO ON THE CONSTITUTION Today, 23rd September, 2014 is 3 (of 5) years of Patriotic Front (PF) party in government; the same duration as Rupiah Banda’s presidency from 2008-2011. (Apart from media reports, comments and advertisements, there has been no word or organized celebrations from the PF or its website or President Sata’s facebook on the anniversary. President Sata is in New York, U.S after mention of the anniversary in his parliament speech.) Today is also about 3 months (90 days) since President Sata disappeared from the public eye after falling sick, meaning the “reappeared” Sata who opened Parliament on 19th September, 2014 was actually a “recovered” Sata, even without the medical board. President Sata read a reduced 30 pages speech of 3,234 words. He struggled to read until he eventually failed to finish it. In 2013 speech, he read 39 pages of 5,649 words. In 2012, he read 75 pages of 6,340 whereas in 2011 he read 63 pages of 6,487 words As opposed to 2014 speech where his voice failed him, the 2012 speech delivery included unscripted jokes and digressions that angered Member of Parliament Dr Michael Kaingu who later tore the speech in protest accusing the president of lowering Parliament. The speaker suspended Kaingu for the action. Therefore, apart from reviewing President Sata’s opening of Parliament speeches, inaugural speech and PF manifesto since 2011; I would have loved to review Sata’s performance and speeches against the background of Independence Day. On 24th October, 2014, PF and Sata will be 3 years and 1 month in power, of Zambia’s 50 years Jubilee of Independence. For the moment, I review below the four presidential speeches on opening of Parliament plus the PF manifesto 2011-2016 to assess President Sata’s commitment to constitutional reforms. I have omitted from citation President Sata’s 2011 inaugural speech as it does not even have the word constitution. And from the speeches, President Sata has in the four speeches become less and less committed to constitutional reform. FRIDAY, 19TH SEPTEMBER, 2014 MR. SPEAKER, GOVERNMENT REMAINS COMMITTED TO PROMOTING DEMOCRACY AND GOOD GOVERNANCE. THESE ARE FUNDAMENTAL TO CREATING, SECURING AND MAINTAINING A JUST ZAMBIA. GOVERNMENT EMBARKED ON A REVIEW OF OUR LEGAL AND JUSTICE SYSTEM, BEGINNING WITH THE CONSTITUTION. LET ME REPORT THAT GOVERNMENT HAS RECEIVED THE DRAFT CONSTITUTION AND IS IN THE PROCESS OF GUIDING THE NATION ON THE NEXT COURSE OF ACTION. (QUOTE FROM PAGE 27 OF 30 PAGES; 60 OF 3, 234 WORDS) FRIDAY, 20TH SEPTEMBER, 2013 MR. SPEAKER, THE GOVERNMENT IS FULLY COMMITTED TO UPHOLDING THE RULE OF LAW INCLUDING SEPARATION OF POWERS AMONG THE THREE ARMS OF GOVERNMENT. IN THIS REGARD, I WANT TO ASSURE THE ZAMBIAN PEOPLE THAT OUR GOVERNMENT HAS NO INTENTIONS WHATSOEVER TO TURN THIS COUNTRY INTO A ONE PARTY STATE. WITH REGARD TO THE CONSTITUTIONAL MAKING PROCESS, THE GOVERNMENT REMAINS COMMITTED TO DELIVERING A PEOPLE-DRIVEN CONSTITUTION. THE CONSULTATIVE PROCESS HAS BEEN COMPLETED AND THE FINAL DRAFT CONSTITUTION IS EXPECTED BY THE END OF THIS YEAR. THEREAFTER, THE GOVERNMENT IN COLLABORATION WITH OTHER STAKEHOLDERS WILL GUIDE THE PROCESS ACCORDINGLY. (FROM PAGE 35 OF 39 PAGES; 95 OF 5, 649 WORDS) FRIDAY 21ST SEPTEMBER, 2012 MR. SPEAKER, ON THE NATIONAL CONSTITUTION, THE HOUSE MAY WISH TO RECALL THAT DURING MY ADDRESS LAST YEAR, I COMMITTED MY GOVERNMENT TO DELIVERING A NEW PEOPLE-DRIVEN CONSTITUTION. I ALSO ASSURED THE NATION THAT MY GOVERNMENT, IN CONSULTATION WITH VARIOUS STAKEHOLDERS, WOULD ESTABLISH A COMMITTEE OF EXPERTS TO REVIEW THE RECOMMENDATIONS OF ALL THE PREVIOUS CONSTITUTIONAL REVIEW COMMISSIONS AND TO COME UP WITH A DRAFT CONSTITUTION. I AM PLEASED TO INFORM THIS AUGUST HOUSE THAT GOOD PROGRESS HAS SINCE BEEN MADE. A TECHNICAL COMMITTEE OF COMPETENT MEN AND WOMEN WAS APPOINTED WITHIN NINETY DAYS OF THE PATRIOTIC FRONT GOVERNMENT ASSUMING OFFICE. THE TECHNICAL COMMITTEE HAS WORKED DILIGENTLY AND PRODUCED THE FIRST DRAFT CONSTITUTION IN BOTH ENGLISH AND SEVEN LOCAL LANGUAGES. (PAGES 64, 65 OF 75 PAGES; 118 OF 6,340 WORDS) FRIDAY 14TH OCTOBER 2011 MR. SPEAKER, THE PF GOVERNMENT ATTACHES GREAT IMPORTANCE TO GOOD GOVERNANCE AND WE ARE COMMITTED TO DELIVERING A NEW PEOPLE DRIVEN CONSTITUTION WITHIN NINETY DAYS. TO THIS EFFECT, WE ARE IN THE PROCESS OF CONSULTING STAKEHOLDERS WITH A VIEW OF ESTABLISHING A COMMITTEE OF EXPERTS TO REVIEW THE RECOMMENDATIONS OF ALL PREVIOUS CONSTITUTIONAL REVIEW COMMISSIONS IN ORDER TO COME UP WITH A DRAFT PEOPLE’S CONSTITUTION. THE DRAFT CONSTITUTION WILL BE SUBJECTED TO A REFERENDUM AND SUBSEQUENTLY PRESENTED TO PARLIAMENT FOR ENACTMENT. THE PF GOVERNMENT WILL ALSO PROMOTE GOOD GOVERNANCE THROUGH STRENGTHENING THE GOVERNANCE INSTITUTIONS AND ENSURING STRICT ACCOUNTABILITY. YOU WILL RECALL THAT IN MY INAUGURAL SPEECH, I ALLUDED TO THE FACT THAT OUR COUNTRY HAS HUGE PROBLEMS WHICH HAVE BEEN COMPOUNDED BY ACTS OF BAD GOVERNANCE AND FISCAL IRRESPONSIBILITY IN RECENT YEARS. THE PF GOVERNMENT FIRMLY STANDS FOR THE RULE OF LAW AND SOCIAL JUSTICE. (PAGES 54, 55 OF 63 PAGES; 143 OF 6,487 WORDS) PF MANIFESTO 2011-2016 Foreword Michael Chilufya Sata PF Party President The MMD government has shown many a time that it is not accountable to the people of Zambia. The constitutional making process through the National Constitutional Conference (NCC) on which the MMD government spent a colossal sum of over K135 billion, the sale of the Zambia Telecommunications Company (Zamtel) and the repeal of the abuse of office provision in the Anti-Corruption Act in 2010, were processes opposed by the people of Zambia but which were undertaken by a government acting with impunity and contempt towards its citizens. Once again the dream by the Zambian people to enact a legitimate constitution has been betrayed by the regime in power. We cannot continue to witness the deliberate and systematic destruction of our country at this rate. (Page 5, 124 words) 22. LEGAL AND CONSTITUTIONAL REFORMS Under the MMD government the opportunity to have a new Constitution that reflects the will and aspirations of the people, and which could stand the test of time has once again eluded the Zambian people. […] This failed process has been nothing but a betrayal of the Zambian people. In order to redress the above the PF government shall: • Establish in consultation with stakeholders a Committee of Experts to review the recommendations of all previous Constitutional Review Commissions in order to draft and present a constitution which will reflect the will and aspirations of the people for submission to a referendum and subsequent enactment only, by the National Assembly; (Page 42; 110 words) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *Kasebamashila Kaseba is a Lusaka literary and research journalist; presenter of media INTROSPECTION on Prime Tv (UHF 703.250) on Saturday 18:00, repeated Sunday 11:00 and rebroadcast Joy Fm 106.9; Prime Tv DAYBREAK news analyst at 08:00 on Tuesday and Thursday.
Posted on: Tue, 23 Sep 2014 14:13:57 +0000

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