PRESIDENT OBAMA: HIDDEN COMBATANT IN THE WHITE HOUSE (Part 1 of a 2-part series) For five years now, every since President Barack Hussein Obama went on his apology tour, in 2009, the highlight of which was the speech he gave at a Muslim university in Cairo, Egypt, I have viewed him as being a hidden, enemy combatant, in the White House. The above view has nothing to do with the place where the speech was given, but the contents of the very revealing speech that was delivered by a person who, one had to remind himself/herself, was the President of the United, and not the President of Saudi Arabia. The speech was delivered June 4, 2009, at a site, as a matter of fact, which made perfect sense, the University of Al Azhar. The university, located in Cairo, is the oldest university on the African continent, today, founded in the 10th century. It was the perfect site, in Egypt, for the speech. What was, unseemly, was Obama’s nonsense in the speech, and his insistence that members of the Muslim Brotherhood, a violent Islamic group, which had been kept under wraps by the Hosni Mubarek regime, for more than 30 years, be present at the event, to listen to his foolishness. Two years later, with the Obama administration working in the background, Mubarek’s government was overthrown. The Muslim Brotherhood, under President Mohammed Morsi, came to power, before this jihadist group, itself, was ousted at the behest of a people’s uprising against the Muslim Brotherhood. This terrorist group is the Egyptian equivalent to the Taliban, in Afghanistan, and a sworn enemy of Israel, the United States’ most reliable ally in the “Middle East.” Notably, the military overthrow of the jihadist group caused the cancellation of a deal with the United States that would have eventually provided twelve to sixteen F-16 fighter Jets for Egypt’s use. These military jets would have been under the control of the Muslim Brotherhood, if Mohamed Morsi had remained in power, which would have posed a more grave threat to Israel’s national security, a more grave threat that would have been aided by the Obama administration. In the same year, 2011, in which Hosni Mubarek’s government was overthrown, that of a 35-year ally, Moammar Qadafi’s government was overthrown, in Libya. It needs to be borne in mind that neither government posed any threat, whatsoever, to the United States, at the time. It should be remembered that it was after Qadafi’s ouster that four Americans were killed, in 2012, one of whom was an American Ambassador. Rescue forces, in the region, were ordered to stand down, as an American Consulate was burned to the ground by violent jihadists, with officials watching the carnage in real time. The Obama administration later sought to escape blame by focusing the country’s attention on an obscure video, which had nothing to do with the attack. The attempt was made to place public attention on a video, rather than on the Obama administration’s foreign policy, and its desecration of the Americans who died, needlessly, in Benghazi. Hillary Clinton was Secretary of State, while this mockery took place, and the fact that her name is being mentioned as a presidential candidate, in 2016, is the height of mockery, and would be the height of desecration if a person, who stood-by, while Americans were being killed, is placed over the military as its Commander-in-Chief. [Good grief! Is this some nightmare from which I have yet to be awakened, after being sent to bed without dinner, for failing to do my homework? If so, I would like a baked potato, and steak, as soon as I alight from bed, if, and when I do wake up, oh, and some new politicians in Washington.] The same pattern in Egypt, and Libya, was set to play out, in Syria, where, it is to be noted, another secular government is standing in the way of the Muslim Brotherhood. Viewing the situation, in Syria, as being more risky to intervene against, in Assad’s government case, since it would have more directly, and more visibly, placed U.S. forces in alliance with the jihadists, in the field, the Obama administration paused before taking action against the Assad regime, at a crucial moment. It was during that time that the stumbling, bumbling traitor, during the Vietnam War, John Kerry, now the nation’s bumbling Secretary of State (the Department where a game of “tag” is being played) was outflanked by Russia’s Vladimir Putin who was waiting for Kerry to put the usual hoof, in his mouth, and when he did, pounced upon the misspoken word, elevated it up to the level of national policy, and then forced the bumbling idiots, running the federal government, to settle matters on Russia’s terms. [Is anybody surprised that Russia is now in Crimea, threatening to seize all of Ukraine next?] I think, when I go to bed tonight, my first prayer will be that I am not nuked by the Apple Dumpling Gang, in Washington. Obama’s latest stunt, well hidden, as yet another anti-American policy move, was his releasing of sworn enemies of this country, under the cloak of not leaving one of our soldiers behind, which would have been par for the course, and would not have been at all surprising, when you consider Obama’s track record. Such a move, in fact, would have been totally consistent with his track record, a track record which says, loud and clear, that this country has an elected foe in the White House, a clever operative, who uses a practiced, well-rehearsed smile, as part of the camouflage that disguises his total disdain for this country, and what it seeks to stand for, now, and what it has stood for, in the past. This country has an elected enemy combatant in the White House, and the release of five enemy combatants at Guantanamo Bay, in exchange for an American traitor, Private Bowe Bergdahl, is the latest example of Obama’s underhandedness, in the foreign policy arena, and his total disdain for the United States. When you examine President Obama’s record, his policies in their totality, they say nothing else. And if not, state the policy, and explain it to me in terms of how the policy, any policy during Obama’s entire tenure as President, has helped, rather than hurt, this country, while I wait right here. (Tomorrow, Part 2, “The Bowe Bergdahl Cover-up”)
Posted on: Tue, 03 Jun 2014 20:33:08 +0000

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