PRESIDENT OBAMA IS BACK ON THE CAMPAIGN TRAIL by: Jack O. Cartner President Obama is campaigning again, giving his same old standard stump speech. Tax the rich and give it to the middle class. He again claims that we need to put people to work. This sounds good. However, the solution that he proposes is the same old thing he has offered in the past, SPEND, SPEND, SPEND. As we all know, we have been spending heavily for nearly five years and we still have a 7.6% unemployment rate. And even this percentage number is not correct, as we do not count the many people that are no longer looking for work and we do not properly count those that are working part time. After 4 plus years of President Obama, about half of the people in the country are receiving some kind of government assistance and food stamp use is at an all-time high. The president told the people in Galesburg, Illinois that we need to bring jobs back to America. And he claims that we will get good jobs from wind and alternate energy. He also claims that we need to stand up for civil rights and women’s rights. And he further claimed that we have 100 thousand bridges that need repaired. And, of course, he claimed that he inherited the problems when he became president. In other words, it’s All Bush’s Fault. This is the same old story that we have been hearing for the last 5 years. The president fails to understand that many of the tax and spend programs and the new regulations that he has put forth in the last four years have severely dampened job growth. America already has the highest corporate tax rate in the free world and Mr. Obama wants more money to spend. If we spend more money, we shall either have higher taxes or increase America’s debt. And we are already printing about a trillion dollars a year in new paper money. Enough is Enough Mr. President.
Posted on: Wed, 07 Aug 2013 14:38:04 +0000

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