PRESIDENT SATA TOASTS MANGANGO VICTORY LUSAKA, Wednesday, August 20, 2014 – His Excellency, Mr. Michael Chilufya Sata, President of the Republic of Zambia, says the Patriotic Front (PF) government acknowledges with humility, the resounding acceptance it has received from the people of Mangango following its victory in the just ended parliamentary by - election. The Head of State said the victory in Mangango reinforces the people’s belief and optimism in the government’s policies and programmes in line with the PF manifesto. “The people of Western Province have sent a clear message that they are not interested in politics of name-calling, violence and regionalism. We would like to assure the people of Mangango and Zambia in general that this administration will intensify its sustained efforts to take development countrywide and ensure that all growth projects are implemented with immediacy,” President Sata said. President Sata has also expressed gratitude to the Zambian people for their continued show of confidence in his government following the nationwide local government by-elections in which the ruling Patriotic Front has scooped a sum of 18 out of the 25 ward by-elections. “Without a doubt, the PF, which is the people’s party, has continued gaining incredible ground in Western, Central and Southern Provinces. The latest victories in areas like Mkushi, Kalabo and Kaoma underscores our party’s growing recognition across the country,” President Sata said. The Head of State reiterated that government remains steadfast to engaging progressive forces within the opposition in its pursuit to accomplish pro-poor measures that will culminate into fast economic growth, job creation and poverty reduction. Issued by: GEORGE CHELLAH SPECIAL ASSISTANT TO THE PRESIDENT PRESS AND PUBLIC RELATIONS
Posted on: Wed, 20 Aug 2014 10:20:38 +0000

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