PRESIDENTIAL STATE OF THE UNION {The president talking to the - TopicsExpress


PRESIDENTIAL STATE OF THE UNION {The president talking to the worst republican congress in history.} What the president should say is this. Most of us are a bunch of overpaid rich (looking at the republican no voting side), people who are not wanting the same for our constituencies. The people of America didn’t send us here to lobby with the fat rich cats, profit with them, take extended vacations, and still not do everything we can to help Americans and their families. Now that is why you are known as the worst congress in history!!!!! The people are saying no to you and your rich donors. You got to go back and tell their no paying taxes asses they got to pay their fair more free rides it’s time to move America forward. It’s time to start teaching men & women how to fish for a job by starting training components across America. We got to teach Americans how to do the jobs we create & that are already here then hire them. Good jobs, with higher minimum wages, that will equal to the cost of living with benefits. Just like us. The people who voted us here paid for us & our families. We should do the same for them. The ones, who don’t stand up & clap for that, don’t want the American people to succeed voting like that. They only want to help themselves & the rich who are full of greed (pan cameras on them that sit and don’t clap). You didn’t hear me I’ll say it again, we’ve got to teach Americans how to do the jobs we create & that are already here, then hire them. Good jobs, with higher minimum wages, that will equal to the cost of living with benefits. Just like us. The people who voted us here paid for us & our families. We should do the same for them. The ones, who don’t stand up & clap for that, don’t want the people to succeed. They only want to help themselves & the rich who are full of greed (pan cameras on them that sit and don’t clap). With all the distractions and obstructions you are heading the United States to destruction. You haven’t done a damn thing to help this economy and our American people. You & I & they & their families know this. Now this is what the American people say about you, especially you republicans that have controls of the House of Representatives, the ones who vote no against the American people’s wishes. Now you sit there being the worst congress waiting for your checks that you don’t deserve, but refuse to give the American people who are unemployed & their babies’ unemployment insurance benefits. I feel like doing what Jesus did with the money changers when he turned over the tables because of their thievery of the congregation. I don’t have a whip but this tongue lashing should suffice. The tables will now be turned on you. Some or most of you on the republican side are unhappy to hear this but it’s a fact that you are the worst. You, who are doing nothing, feel that this do nothingness is a badge of honor. That shutting down the people’s government, our United States of America, which you have not been serving, is acceptable. Now you want another vacation and another higher wage? Well you can keep on walkin & don’t stop or come back. There are 1.3 million people and millions more including their children, owners & retailers that make this economy run. You have wasted 25 billion, with “b” dollars on a shutdown & you are looking for the American people to pay for your mess again. No, not this time, you arent going to screw the American people again!!! I want you to go back & tell your rich greedy like you constituencies they have to pay their own taxes & pay their own bills & the cost of living wages are too damn high & the minimum wages are going to be raised. This is an executive order. It’s time to move America forward & the ones that want to lead from behind, will be left behind, & they will be exposed for what they are; do nothing, greedy, only for themselves, sorry ass, no votin’ but wanta take yours, un-American peeps, not people, that you are. American children & their families can’t get the food & shelter they desperately need because of you & your greed. American families pray for a bright day & you & yours steal their pay. No no, there is no shame in you. You’re talking out the side of your neck. So when you come on, I’m shutting down the volume to mute all your lies. I’ll turn it back up when someone has something constructive to talk about other than a republican because they are all in the same boat. You want people to believe you’re going to change, but change is not in you. Vote’em out now that’s what it is all about, you gotta go. When I got here we were in a ditch, economy going down, no market growth, American car industry in the cellar, wars you did not pay for costing us trillions, bush only giving us 2 million jobs in 8 years of service & you didn’t say boo. He couldn’t & wouldn’t find bin laden. All this was turned around for the good economy is doing well now. Stock market is breaking records. Through all the obstructions, 8 million jobs were created. Just think how many jobs would be here now if the American jobs act was implemented. Bin laden no longer walks this earth and hundreds of other terrorist that threatened our country have joined him. Our car manufacturing is back in America at the number one position in the world. I signed into law the Lilly Ledbetter fair pay act that helped women get higher wages that you disagreed on. One war was ended and this year I am looking to end another. After sacrificing their lives, our soldiers need to come home to jobs! Good jobs! & you still say no well the real American people say, yes. Yes & we are not finished yet. Well haters you are not going to stop America’s progress for long, because the don’t wanta dooes are going to be pointed out. Just like the rotten apples in a barrel or basket we are putting them out; out of our American dream that is possible without the negative distractions of a congress that don’t wanna do. The Supreme Court took a piece out of the voting rights act, but that piece will not, I said, will not stop Americans from voting you ass out. We have played nice with you for much too long. You haven’t played nice with us. A lot of our precious children and Families have been ripped apart, but you still can’t take away our American hearts. We are putting you & your un-American ways on notice. Now pass the bills republicans, help the America & its people or face their wrath on you & yours when we meet you at the poles.
Posted on: Tue, 28 Jan 2014 12:19:14 +0000

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