PRESS CONFERENCE ADDRESSED BY COMRADE STEPHEN AKWETEY, A FORMER GREATER ACCRA REGIONAL CHAIRMAN ASPIRANT OF THE NATIONAL DEMOCRATIC CONGRESS (NDC) ON THE AFTERMATH OF THE REGIONAL DELEGATES CONFERENCE THURSDAY, 20TH NOVEMBER, 2014 Comrades, Friends from the media, Ladies and Gentlemen. I wish to thank you all for your presence here today. The essence of this press conference is to speak to the relevant matters arising and throw light on the way forward, in the aftermath of the Greater Accra Regional Delegates Conference of our great party, the National Democratic Congress (NDC). Let me begin by expressing my heartfelt gratitude to the Almighty God for His abundant grace and mercies bestowed upon me and how far he has brought me in my political life. I wish to thank my campaign coordinator and members of my campaign team for the unflinching support they have given me. I recognize and appreciate the significant role played by the United Cadres Front (UCF). I am equally grateful to my family members, friends, admirers, supporters, all constituency executives and most especially, the delegates in the just ended Greater Accra Regional Conference. For all those comrades and progressives who have shown solidarity with me after the elections, I am eternally grateful. I wish to use this medium to congratulate all those who won in their respective positions. For those who did not win, just like me, let me urge you to accept the verdict of the delegates graciously and continue to work in the interest of our great party. I have personally called Mr. Kobina Ade Coker to congratulate him. I have also spoken to Mr. Daniel Amartey and Mr. Henry Ekow Manly-Spain. Since the declaration of the results of the elections, I have been bombarded with countless enquiries from the media, friends, supporters and grass-root members of our party about my future plans. This is the reason for which I have called this press conference in order to speak to the issues and lay all matters arising to rest. MY CAMPAIGN PROMISES AND THE WAY FORWARD One of the constant questions that I have had to answer has been the subject matter of what will happen to the campaign pledges and projects which I have started and those I would have implemented if I had won the elections. Ordinarily and in many circumstances, campaign promises are always abandoned on the shelves to gather dust when a candidate loses an election. The main reason being that, the elected leadership might unduly and undeservedly take the glory and credit for such projects and programmes. This phenomenon is quite understandable and justifiable, considering the mischief and opportunism associated with political activities in this country. That notwithstanding, let me assure all members of the National Democratic Congress (NDC) in the Greater Accra Region that for the first time in the history of our political engagements, I, Comrade Stephen Akwetey will continue with all the projects I have started, even though I did not win the elections. I have decided whole heartedly to choose this path, moving forward, because I believe that the NDC will only become attractive once again to voters in 2016 and beyond if we all eschew individualism and selfishness and put our collective energies, ideas, plans and resources at the disposal of the party irrespective of whether we hold any position in the party or not. CONSTRUCTION OF CONSTITUENCY OFFICES The constituency office projects will continue unabated. Work is progressing steadily on the Shai-Osudoku site. The Obom-Domeabra site has received iron rods, two thousand (2,000) blocks, hundred (100) bags of cement, two (2) tipper trips of sand and 2 tipper trips of chippings. The profiling will be done soon for work to begin on that site. Other constituencies are in the process of acquiring their land with the necessary supporting documents and we will construct their offices. I wish to urge the constituency executives who have started the documentation processes not to relent on their efforts but make strides to speed up the procedures of land acquisition so they can also own their offices. THE GREATER ACCRA REGIONAL HEALTH AND EDUCATION FUND As I have already promised, this fund will take care of the health and educational needs of brilliant but poor party activists and or their dependents. The fund, which will still operate independent of the leadership of the region, will be managed by a board which will be outdoored and inaugurated. This will be followed by a comprehensive training seminar for all constituency executives in order to properly orient all stake holders on the utilization of the fund. THE ONE THOUSAND (1,000) ACRES OF LAND FOR AGRI-BUSINESS As I have indicated on several occasions and platforms, this regional farm project is intended to offer the constituencies the opportunity to raise funds for the running of their offices and the party’s activities. Let me insist that the proceeds from the farm will go solely to leadership of the various constituencies. The financial independence and autonomy of the constituencies have been compromised for far too long and this project will help to ensure that this unfortunate trend will become a thing of the past. JOB CREATION FOR PARTY ACTIVISTS IN ALL CONSTITUENCIES As I speak to you, all constituencies have started the process of registering business entities for the purpose of creating jobs and giving respectable incomes to our people. The economic empowerment of our people is a non-negotiable agenda and I am fully committed to it. We shall continue to facilitate the documentation process without fail. Let me once again urge all constituency executives in charge of this procedure to fully commit themselves to this project. We have a responsibility to make our people enjoy a better standard of living and we cannot fail in that regard. THE YOUTH AND WOMEN MOVEMENT AGENDA This programme is intended to tap into the collective energies of all constituency and branch youth organizers and their colleague branch and constituency women organizers to create a mass, vibrant, reliable and influential youth and women’s movement. There are countless examples of political youth and women movements around the world who are making significant impacts in their respective political parties and countries. The NDC youth cannot be an exception in this noble cause. We need to harness the positive potentials of our youth and make them very relevant in our political space. The working document for this agenda is ready and will be launched with the full participation of the youth leadership across the region. THE INTEGRATION OF TEIN MEMBERS INTO CONSTITUENCY ACTIVITIES This programme aims at ensuring that the members of the Tertiary Educational Institutions Network (TEIN) of the NDC on various campuses are properly drafted and integrated into their respective constituencies and branches after their courses of study. We intend to harness the intellect and numerical strength of this group to beef up the dissemination of government and party information at the constituency and branch levels. The days where such groups of students are left out in the general operations of the branches and constituencies will be over. Let us allow our students to utilize their knowledge acquired in these contemporary times for the benefit of the party. CONCLUSION I wish to call on all activists and sympathizers of the National Democratic Congress (NDC) in the Greater Accra Region to give the newly elected leadership the maximum co-operation. But most importantly, Let me state unequivocally, that I do not intend to run any parallel leadership structure in the region through the execution of these projects and programmes. My objective is a noble one, borne out of my unbridled loyalty, dedication and allegiance to the great National Democratic Congress (NDC) and it is only aimed at contributing my quota to the development of the party, just as I have been doing for the past twenty-two (22) years of the party’s existence. I wish to assure the elected regional executives of my utmost devotion and partnership in ensuring that the party continues to remain in unity and harmony in the implementation of all these projects and programmes. I am determined to involve them in every step of the way. I rededicate myself to the ideals and philosophy of the great NDC without any inhibition and I call on every member of the party to do same. I will continue to play a significant role in the party and in the lives of our grassroots – the source of our political power. Lets us use political power and influence for positive development and revive righteousness for greater works. I thank you for your attention. Long Live the National Democratic Congress (NDC)!! Long Live Party Activism!! COMRADE STEPHEN AKWETEY (Former Greater Accra Regional Chairman Aspirant)
Posted on: Sat, 22 Nov 2014 19:22:41 +0000

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