PRESS RELEASE: "A BRIEF HISTORY OF LABOR DAY FROM SENATOR ROACH" Celebrated as a nationwide holiday in the United States for over 110 years, Labor Day is observed on the first Monday of September to honor the economic and social contributions of the hard working people of the United States who contribute to our nation’s prosperity. This year’s holiday will be observed on Monday, September 2, 2013. Labor Day was first celebrated in New York City in 1882 under the initiative of Matthew Maguire of the Central Labor Union. It was deemed important to appreciate the work of the American laborer and dedicate a holiday to and for them. This idea quickly took on, and many states, labor unions, and organizations soon followed suit. In 1894 it was declared by Congress a nationwide holiday and has been celebrated ever since. During the Labor Day weekend, people can be found watching parades, carnivals, or simply staying at home and enjoying the well earned break. The observance of Labor Day in Coral Bay St. John is one such example of a local community coming together celebrating with a parade and other festivities. “It is significant for us to acknowledge this holiday as it is a time for rest and relaxation while we honor the hard work done over the years by the dedicated men and women of various professions. I would like to wish the people of the Virgin Islands a happy Labor Day. May we continue to strive to maintain an effective and efficient work ethic and superior labor force throughout the Territory,” said Senator Roach.
Posted on: Fri, 30 Aug 2013 12:11:47 +0000

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