PRESS RELEASE EBOLA OUTBREAK UPDATES---September 3, 2014 DISCHARGED CASES Total Survived and Released Patients = 251 NEW CASES New Confirmed cases = 31, as follows: Kailahun = 10, Kenema = 9, Kono = 0 Bombali = 0, Kambia = 0 Koinadugu = 0, Port Loko = 5, Tonkolili = 1 Bo = 1, Bonthe = 0, Moyamba = 0, Pujehun = 0 Western Area Urban = 4, Western Area Rural = 1 CUMULATIVE CASES Cumulative confirmed deaths = 399 Cumulative confirmed cases = 1,115, as follows: Kailahun = 480, Kenema = 369, Kono =4 Bombali =44, Kambia =1, Koinadugu =0, Port Loko =75, Tonkolili = 17 Bo = 52, Bonthe = 1, Moyamba = 9, Pujehun = 7 Western Urban = 59, Western Rural = 33 Probable cases = 37 Probable deaths = 37 Suspected cases = 78 Suspected deaths = 11 IMPORTANT NOTE! Koinadugu still remains the only district that has not registered confirmed cases of Ebola in Sierra Leone Important Press Release from the Government of Sierra Leone: The Government of Sierra Leone, through the Ministries of Finance and Economic Development and Health and Sanitation, with the concurrence of the Ebola Emergency Operations Centre (EOC), hereby announces the approval of an amount of Le 82.1 Billion equivalent to US$18.2 million for the payment of weekly incentives to eligible health and non-health personnel to enhance the fight against the Ebola Virus Disease for an initial period of six months effective 1st September 2014 to 28th February 2015 as follows: No Category of Staff No. of Personnel Amount Per Person (Le) 1 Staff in Treatment Centres 1,500 500,000 per week 2 Burial Team 250 500,000 per week 3 Staff in Holding Centres 438 400,000 per week 4 Staff Laboratory 80 400,000 per week 5 Staff in affected Communities 8,000 200,000 per week 6 Contact Tracers 2,100 100,000 per week 7 Screening Personnel 240 100,000 per week This programme is jointly funded by Government, the World Bank, the Global Fund and the United Nations Population Fund, with government contributing an amount of Le29.7 Billion. The public is hereby reminded that the funds being provided for incentives to Health workers is in addition to funds already provided by government to help fight the Ebola outbreak. This payment will be effected by the EOC through the Emergency Response Ebola Account held at the Sierra Leone Commercial Bank and the Bank of Sierra Leone respectively. Payments will be made to beneficiary staff by District Medical Officers in each region. The District Medical Officers will assume full responsibility to account for the payments to personnel within their jurisdiction and submit returns to the Ministry of Finance and Economic Development through the Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Health and Sanitation, promptly to facilitate timely release of funds each week. In this regard, a total amount of Le 3 Billion will be released on a weekly basis to District Medical Officers with immediate effect to pay incentives to eligible health workers beginning the week ending September 6, 2014. Finally, plans are being finalized to pay a lump sum benefit to all Ebola Discharged patients and to all Health Personnel in the unfortunate occurrence of Death. Also, strong efforts are underway to provide appropriate personal protection gear to all frontline Health and Non-Health workers. The continuing cooperation of the General Public is solicited to assist government efforts in the fight against the Ebola Virus Disease. IMPORTANT NOTE Ebola Emergency Account Details: Account Number (Leones): 003001118285030109 Account Number (USD): 003001014138030145 The Ebola Emergency Account is audited by Chartered Accountants from the KPMG Accounting and Auditing Firm at the Emergency Operations Centre (EOC) All Cash Donations are deposited at the Ebola Emergency Account managed by the EOC, and kind donations (Medicines, Equipment, Supplies, etc.) are held at the Government Medical logistics stores, Freetown, by the Ebola Logistics team, for processing, storage and equitable distribution as required throughout the country. ISSUED BY: The Ebola Viral Situation Report, Ministry of Health and Sanitation For more information, please contact: District level: District Health Management Team National level: Directorate of Disease Prevention and Control, E.mail: dpcsurveillance@gmail Website: Mobile: 117 (Toll free) MOHS©® 2014
Posted on: Wed, 03 Sep 2014 20:12:59 +0000

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