PRESS RELEASE EVENT: OCCUPY FLAGSTAFF GROUP: CONCERNED GHANAIANS FOR RESPONSIBLE GOVERNANCE DATE: TUESDAY 1ST JULY, 2014 TIME: 6AM INTRODUCTION Come Tuesday the 1st of July, 2014, our beloved country will mark 54 years since it gained its status as a Republic. Under normal circumstances it would be a time to celebrate this milestone in our history as a people. Sadly though, on Tuesday, we shall be met with increments in utility tariffs as well as a likely increase in prices of petroleum products; not forgetting the introduction of a VAT charge on what is described as non-core banking activities. What makes the situation even worse is the fact that salaries of Ghanaians remain stagnant while the hardship of the ordinary Ghanaian increases. The current state of affairs in Ghana is nothing to write home about. The nation is gradually coming to a complete halt because of ineffective policies and decisions by government. The cedi has nose-dived against every currency and policies meant to solve the situation are rather worsening same. Businesses are folding up because of high unbearable cost of operation and unreliable supply of power. Companies are undertaking massive retrenchment/redundancy exercises because they are unable to pay workers. Taxes are being increased whiles revenue collection remains poor. Our present situation in our beloved country is like fetching water into a basket. Polytechnics have all been closed down and students are at home. There are poor road networks etc. We could go on and on about the hardship. Nonetheless, to sum it all up, Ghanaians are gradually being stripped of their purchasing power and being plunged into a deep abyss of hardship. THE GROUP The CONCERNED GHANAIANS FOR RESPONSIBLE GOVERNANCE (CGRG) is a non-partisan civil society group. The group is made up of ordinary everyday Ghanaians who go through normal life in Ghana. Our core belief is that every Ghanaian deserves to be happy. And it is our further belief that our collective happiness as a people is inextricably linked to responsible governance. It is our belief therefore that we as a people must make a demand for responsible governance regardless of which political party holds the reins to governmental power. And we shall make this demand for responsible governance legitimately by exploring all avenues afforded us by law. It is for this reason that we are embarking on this protest on Tuesday the 1st of July, 2014 in front of the Flagstaff House. The leaders of the group are: 1. Nana Akwasi Awuah (Group Convener) 2. George Kojo Anti (Executive Secretary) 3. Yaw Sarpong (Chief Organizer) 4. Nana Sarpong Agyeman-Badu (1st Deputy Organizer) 5. Nana Yaa Antwiwaa Tawiah (2nd Deputy Organizer) 6. Rodney Hyde Longdon (3rd Deputy Organizer) THE PROTEST DUBBED #OCCUPYFLAGSTAFFHOUSE The protest comes off this Tuesday the 1st of July, 2014. The focal point of convergence is the Flagstaff House. We chose this venue because we want to register our dissatisfaction with the status quo right at the doorstep of power. We also chose this date because it is on this day in history that we started choosing our own leaders for responsible governance as a sovereign state. We do not seek a regime change, nor do we wish to see the country plunge into chaos. After all, this is the only place we can and do call our home! The time is at 6am and the dress code is simply a red or black attire. Everybody is welcome to join the protest with a placard expressing your sentiments. We shall humbly present a petition to the President on Tuesday as part of the protest. We wish to stress that the protest is a peaceful one and we shall not condone any form of aggression or hooliganism. Furthermore, we wish to put on record that we shall turn over to the Police anybody who engages in any form of unprovoked violence. To reiterate, we do not seek a regime change by our protest, we are simply demanding responsible governance. The Ghana Police Service has been given the due legal given notice of the event as by law required. As a pure non-partisan citizens’ movement, Tuesday’s protest is not being funded by any group or person(s) but by ourselves. Everybody who cares to join the protest is encouraged to come along with bags of sachet water (if they can) to share. This is a clarion call to all concerned Ghanaians to take a bold step to elevate their complaints from Facebook, Twitter and social media by joining this protest as we register our dissatisfaction with the status quo and demand responsible governance from the President. You will find further details of the event on Twitter and Facebook hashtag #occupyflagstaff or #occupyflagstaffhouse. CGRG - Responsible Governance for a Happy People. Thank you for your kind attention. SIGNED Nana Akwasi Awuah Group Convener
Posted on: Mon, 30 Jun 2014 01:37:06 +0000

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