PRESS RELEASE FROM THE GENERAL CENTER OF CRIMEAN ASSOCIATIONS Ankara, Turkey (13.03.2014) Declarations of the alleged Parliament of Autonomous Republic of Crimea about the “independence” of Crimea and its decision to conduct a referendum for this purpose under the protection of 40.000 intruder soldiers of Russian Federation is a preparation for annexation of Crimea by Russia. This is acts disregards all principles of international law and rejects all of the democratic principles. Recently, it was observed that some trickery statements are emerged in order to justify this shameful invasion and to brake the resistance of Crimean Tatar people who are the only titular power rejecting this offensive movement in Crimea. According to these statements, in case of the annexation of Crimea by Russia, Crimean Tatar people will have some rights and opportunities. Crimean Tatars never forgot what they experienced under the Russian rule almost more than two centuries and how their people were brought to the edge of death again and again. Crimean Tatar people were faced these type lies, which can be believed by only naive or malicious people, many times and remembers the painful consequences of them. On the other hand, treatment to the “minorities” under the existing dictatorship of Russia is very obvious. Milli Meclis of the Crimean Tatar people, the only legitimate representative body of Crimean Tatars, has objected the Russian illegitimate invasion from the outset and rejected the annexation of Crimea by Russia. The referendum which is an illegitimate attempt to cover up the situation and pointless promises to make the Crimean Tatar people vote in the referendum cannot be accepted. In addition to that some people and institutions which are working to persuade to show consent Crimean Tatars living in diaspora for the annexation of Crimea by Russia, are started to emerge. Moreover, some statements calling the Crimean Tatars living in Crimea to migrate to Turkey aroused under the cover of protection of the rights of the Crimean Tatars. Crimean Tatars are the essential and historical owners of the Crimea and they do not intend to migrate from Crimea to where they turned back under numerous difficulties. Although Putin and his Russia will be very delighted with a Crimea without Crimean Tatars, Crimean Tatar people will not be deceived by their tricks. Thus, all type of statements parallel to this unfortunate rhetoric will eventually serve the Russian ambition which is to eradicate the Crimean Tatar population living in Crimea. In the name of the Crimean Tatar Diaspora represented by it, Crimean Association is explicitly censure the persons and institutions behaving according to this unfortunate rhetoric. In addition, Crimean Association explicitly declares that Crimea should immediately be freed from the stranger invasion forces and any other way is unacceptable other than the conservation of territorial integrity of Ukraine.
Posted on: Mon, 17 Mar 2014 06:56:10 +0000

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