PRESS RELEASE ON THE 20TH ENGA CULTRUAL SHOW The 20th Enga Cultural Show has been described as “the most successful” with more than 70,000 people passing through the gates on the weekend. Enga Governor Peter Ipatas who witnessed the turned out of the participants and the public since Friday before he officially opened the show on Saturday said he would assist the show organising committee to make the event much bigger and better next year. Ipatas said he was particularly happy with the law and order situation during the three days of events where people enjoyed taking part and witnessing without major disturbances. Ipatas who had allocated more than K300, 000.00 together with 10 other sponsors towards the show this year said he was particularly happy to see new groups from outside of Enga, mainly the Tapioka dancers from Milne Bay attending. “We will make it bigger and better next year,” he said. Organizing committee chair person Magaret Potane said more than 52 cultural groups from different parts of the country attended the show. She said Milne Bay, Asaro mud men from Eastern Highlands, North Solomon Islands and Western Provinces were their first to take part in the event. Potane said apart from the traditional dances, more than 12 rituals where performed. “The kicking boxing and battle of the sound with local musicians competing for the highest honors were also the highlights of the show,” she said. Potane said the tickets were sold out since Friday with a total collection of more than K200, 000.00 at the gate alone during the three days. “Comparing with the previous shows, this year’s is the most successful one in terms of attendance by provinces, the general public, mainly from the highlands region and over 50 Overseas based tourists. The law and order was well managed by the police,” she said. Potane said most of the participants will go back to their home provinces and districts starting today. ….ends.
Posted on: Mon, 11 Aug 2014 02:40:35 +0000

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