PRESS RELEASE PROPOSAL TO BUILD A 700MW COAL-FIRED POWER PLANT IN GHANA: THE OFFICIAL POSITION OF GHANA YOUTH ENVIRONMENTAL MOVEMENT (GYEM) The Ghana Youth Environmental Movement (GYEM) in collaboration with its key allies are deeply concerned about the proposal made to the Ministry of Energy and by extension the Government of Ghana, by Shenzhen Energy Group (SEG), the mother company of Sonon Asogli, to build a 700MW coal-fired power plant in Ghana, that will see the construction of a coal port with approximately 50,000 tons berth and the import of 20 million tons of coal per year from South Africa. Our discomfort concerning this proposal arises from the following reasons: 1. The health impacts of coal-fired plants to the public as a result of the massive air pollution it causes is extremely catastrophic — coal burning releases dangerous and toxic emissions like Sulfur dioxide (S02), Nitrogen oxides (NOx), Particulate matter, Mercury, Cadmium, Toxic heavy metals, Carbon monoxide, Arsenic, Hydrocarbons and Ozone forming Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC). These pollutants are known to cause chronic respiratory infections, exacerbate asthma, chronic bronchitis, burn lung tissue, brain damage, heart problems and premature death; 2. The environmental impacts of coal-fired power plants are extremely dangerous. The burning of 20 million tons of coal would release 2 million tons of ashes (10% ash per ton) which are heavily contaminated solid waste that has to be disposed off eventually. In addition to this are the thousands of gallons of water that would be needed for the purification and cooling systems which consequently is discharged as heavily contaminated water. These present enormous challenges considering that the country is facing a herculean task with waste management and chronic water crisis; 3. The proposal flies in the face of Ghana’s National Energy Policy which has a target of achieving 10% contribution of energy into the national grid through renewable energy by 2016. Again it is a complete contradiction to the Climate Change Policy of Ghana. 4. Contributing carbon dioxide (C02), the most dangerous greenhouse gas to the atmosphere is a sure way of harming “innocent” people and destroying the environment. Coal-fired plants are not a good investment and supporting it would mean we are choosing profit over people as well as economics over the ecosystem; and 5. Coal-fired plants do not represent the GREEN FUTURE that young people in this country so much deserve; to produce more green jobs and live in a less polluted or a pollution-free environment. We believe this is about justice to our children and unborn generations. In the light of this, we humbly seek the support of all Friends of the Environment, Climate Champions, Stakeholders, NGOs/CSOs in the Health, Gender & Environment Sectors, the Media and the General Public to: A. Add your voices to reject the proposal to construct this 700MW coal-fired power plant; and B. Advocate for investment in green technology and renewable energy as the best alternative to coal-fired power plants. It is our hope that the Ministry of Energy and the Government of Ghana would consider our humble submission and we look forward to a positive response thereof, on this issue that threatens the future of young people. GYEM will continue with our anti-coal campaigns in both the media and public domains to ensure that human lives are protected and most importantly our environment is conserved and preserved for future generations. Thank you. By Steering Group (GYEM) Email: gyemgh@gmail Tel: 0243 833 420/ 0244 951 828/ 0545 020 259 Cc: Ministry of Energy Ministry of Environment, Science, Technology and Innovation (MESTI) Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) All Media Houses
Posted on: Sun, 14 Jul 2013 19:28:00 +0000

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