PRESS RELEASE: Position of JOHESU on the Nationwide Strike in the - TopicsExpress


PRESS RELEASE: Position of JOHESU on the Nationwide Strike in the Health Sector Posted: 16/Dec/2014 The joint health sector unions and the assembly of Health care professionals has made its position on the nationwide strike known. It revealed this in a press statement dated 16th december and made available to a medicalworld nigeria correspondent. The circular with reference number HQ/JOHESU/01/2014 reads: We extend comradely salutations to you at this critical point in the struggle of health care workers across nigeria for better working conditions and the enthronement of collective agreements reached with the federal government over the past five years. You are thus being updated on the position of JOHESU and enjoined to uphold the directive for TOTAL WORK STOPPAGE as stated in this circular thus: Tony of medicalworld nigeria reports that on the update on meetings between JOHESU and government, it would be recalled that the joint health sector unions declared an industrial action on the 12th of november, 2014 as a matter of last resort. This was due to governments refusal to fully implement agreements freely entered into by the federal government with JOHESU and refusal to implement judgement of the NICN delivered on july 22 2013. We have had two meetings without meaningful progress; but most sadly is the lack of commitment and seriousness on the part of the federal ministry of health, during both and also in between meetings end to the plight of nigerians and halth workers by addressing the issues and restoring public health services, it resorted to acts of intimidation culminating in the directive contained in circular ref. DHS/PLC/01/P/130 dated 9th december 2014 Furthermore the ignominious use of the police to brutalize our members against all known universal industrial relation norms is condemnable. If the situation continues it may lead to breakdown of law and order in our health institutions similar to that witnessed in ABUTH and other hospitals in the 1990s HEALTH WORKERS RIGHT TO FREEDOM OF ASSOCIATION AND COLLECTIVE BARGAINING CANNOT BE WISHED AWAY The federal government of nigeria is a signatory to the ILO conventions 87 and 98 which guarantee freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining for trade unions and which have both been domesticated in our labour laws. Further, the trade unions act (2005) is quite explicit and unambiguous in enshrining the respect for disputes of right ie where and when trade unions embark on industrial action in situations where collective agreements are violated by the employers. In the light of the foregoing which is objectively verifiable, JOHESU has fulfulled all righteousness and our strike action is both legal and legitimate. The invocation of no work, no pay by the federal governenmt is totally flawed and holds no water, whatsoever. If any party is to be sanctioned here, inline with the laws of the land, it should be the federal government of nigeria for treating collective agreements the FGN freely entered into with JOHESU and which the NICN upheld, with utter disdain and contempt. We thus call for respect for our due right to strike based on what is a dispute of right. All members and branches of the member unions of JOHESU must remain unperturbed by all forms of threats, blackmail and intimidation, united in struggle, WE WILL WIN! DIRECTIVE FOR TOTAL COMPLIANCE WITH THE ONGOING INDUSTRIAL ACTION Arising from the obvious tactics of intimidation and brutalization of our members in demanding for thier legitimate rights and the obvious exhibition of bias against JOHESU by the federal ministry of health including the refusal of key officers of the ministry to attend the meeting of december 15 2014 we are compelled to: 1) Direct our members to suspend all forms of skeletal and concessional services in all healthcare facilities and ensure TOTAL COMPLIANCE with the strike action 2) As a matter of necessity branch meetings should hold regularly for the enforcement of members rights and liberties and to resist any form of brutalizaion, intimidationa and oppression, through all legitimate means. 3) Members should gird thier loins for a long drawn battle if need be, as we will not turn back until victory is achieved; 4) Any branch of which fails to comply with this directives will be considered as attempting to sabotage our collective struggle and will have requisite disciplinary actions meted out to it. Conclusion: As we enjoin all wellmeaning nigerians to call on the federal government to live up to its constitutional obligation of respect for the rule of law by implementing the collective agreements reached since 2009 till date, we equally expect healthcare workers to remain steadfast in this historical industrial action. This is a struggle foisted on us and we must be unwavering in our reslove and ceaseless efforts at mobiliztion, ensuring TOTAL COMPLIANCE, for us to achieve victory. signed: Dr Ayuba Wabba, National president. Medical and health workers union of nigeria Adeniji A A, National president, National association of nigeria nurses and midwives Dr. B Akintola, National president, Senior staff association of universities teaching hosptials, research institutions and associated institutions Faniran F O, National president, Nigerian union of allied health professionals, Lol Lya, National president, Non academic staff union of educational and associated institutions Dr Godswill Okara, Chairperson, Assembly of health professionals SOURCE: ADETUNJI TAM, PRO AMLSN
Posted on: Wed, 17 Dec 2014 07:43:28 +0000

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