PRESS RELEASE President Museveni vows on education - TopicsExpress


PRESS RELEASE President Museveni vows on education infrastructure, commissions multimillion school blocks June 16, 2014 President Yoweri Museveni has said that his government will deal with the issue of teachers housing to ensure that teachers stay near school to avoid interfering with their teaching. He said despite Uganda having a lot of problems between 1986 - 1996, the country has rebuilt its economy and invested heavily in the sector for the future of Ugandas children. Uganda had gone down. These children have been born when the country is stable. They may not know our history but those who are old enough know that the education infrastructure was inadequate. There was a time when this country had only four colleges including Kings College Buddo, Kisubi, Ntare and Gayaza, so when you see all these schools.....we have really come from far, he said. The President was today speaking during the commissioning of St. Paul Senior Secondary School, Mbulamuti in Kamuli district. The school under the UPPET/APLI projects phase 11 comprising of 10 classroom blocks and was funded by the World Bank at the cost of Shs 340million is one of the 12 government schools in the district implementing governments universal secondary school education. He directed the Ministry of Education and Sports to construct a laboratory for all science subjects including chemistry, biology, physics and ICT. The President urged the youth against irresponsible lifestyles saying health is wealth that they must guard jealously. You must focus on four things; concentrate on your studies, be spiritual and listen to your religious leaders and parents, participate in sports to be fit and most of all beware of the bean weevil that attacks humans (HIV/AIDS), he said. The President urged the students not to be greedy for material things that can mislead them and ruin their lives and warned them against peer pressure. Am giving you testimony about health, If I was not healthy i would not do all the things I have done for my country. I will be 70 in September but if anyone starts trouble, we settle it here and now, he said. Government is increasing and improving equitable access to quality education at all levels. Specifically, increasing net enrolment ratios for primary, transition rates from primary to secondary, maintain enrolment numbers in public universities for Government sponsored students and improving access to physical education and sports. It also aims at improving effectiveness and efficiency in delivery of the education services including reducing teacher, head teacher and pupil absenteeism, reducing repetition and dropout rates for primary, improving performance and participation for secondary. The Minister of State for Education Kamanda Bataringaya said the school is one of the best performing USE schools in the district and that it is one of the 12 such schools government had constructed in Kamuli. he said the school is equipped with laboratory equipment and text books. The ceremony that saw the President plant a tree at the school as part of the celebrations was attended by the speaker of Parliament Rebecca Kadaga, Deputy Speaker of Parliament Jacob Oulanya, Members of parliament and various local leaders. END
Posted on: Tue, 17 Jun 2014 08:29:24 +0000

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