PRESS RELEASE RE: THE FACTS AS THEY WERE, AS THEY ARE, AND AS THEY SHALL BE!!! STOP ONE-SIDED, SELF JUSTIFICATION PROPAGANDAS; TELL THE TRUTH “NOT UNTIL WE HAVE A CLEAR INSIGHT INTO THE PLANS OF THESE GOVERNMENTS TO STEAL, KILL, DESTROY OUR COLECTIVE FUTURE; WE MAY NOT UNDERSTAND THE NEED TO PUT OUR DIFFERENCES ASIDE AND RESCUE OUR GENERATION” NATHANIEL In I in conjunction with other progressives, I also condemn the violence that took place at the budget sitting of the parliament, on 24 October 2014, at the SUB TV room. This piece is meant to give a full dose of all that transpired and not the partial, selfish reports by the leadership of the union, and some other self-justifying students. Students approached the SUB, wanting to gain entrance into the sitting, (as it used and would continue to be), but were turned back, by members of the MAN O’ WAR, and the yet to be ratified ‘Students’ Security Team’ of Mr. President. As conscious beings who still have their minds in place, students refused to vacate, attempting to force their way into the building that belongs to all students. I support the use of force but not violence in cases like this, since it is a rift among fellow students, which would always be resolved amicably, later after. I also condemn the habit of constantly reporting to the university management, the conflicts amidst our union. How many times have we heard of the numerous conflicts within the senate? Hon. Albert who was beaten up, is a parliamentarian who was inside the SUB through out the sitting. He came out at the end, and was engaged in an intellectual debate by a classmate of mine (Karl Marx), when he (Hon. Albert) slapped Karl Marx. And as a tradition, you do not hit a fellow student, but Hon. Albert did it before an angry mob, and they all rushed him with the plans to carry him to Awo. It took the intervention of myself, Karl Marx, Bunmi, Muyiwa and D’Waner, to rescue the almost-fainting Hon. into the SUB. Getting there, we were given the beating of our lives, with our clothes torn, by some Honorable and members of the Security Team, led by Hon. Willydee and Teddy. Hon. Headboy (a very good friend of mine), was caught snapping the angry mob, which they saw as a tool for ‘indictment/ interrogative panel’. They approached him, demanding for him to delete the pictures but he refused. And that led to a scuffle. But he was not beaten, neither was his N15,000 stolen as he claimed. Rather he was at fault for going before an angry mob, standing under the sun for over four hours, and taking their pictures to the view of all- when he is not Neonatar. Shade’s (Ahintola Hall Sec.) phone was destroyed and she was harassed because they thought she too was taking their pictures that she did not. Yes. It is true! Hon. Lawrence bought and started the throwing of water, which broke the louvers and ended up injuring him. N.B. Hon. Lawrence was the only casualty of the broken louvers. Members of the MAN O’ WAR were also at the receiving end. Regards to them…but when next they see a politicized conflict, as a third party, they should please withdraw. I support the Union’s leadership call for a detailed investigation, but not by the University management, nor by the Police, but by OUR UNION (Judicial Council). This would be incomplete without calling for a withdrawal from the Police, then the Court, the cases already filed, a #reinstatement of the OAU-9, then for every other grudge to be settled at the level of the Union. Signed: Nathaniel O. Amroboraro 08163205216 Cc: Association of Campus Journalists, All Boards, All Faculty, Dept., Religious, and Students’-related bodies, All Social Media Outlets,
Posted on: Mon, 03 Nov 2014 10:57:54 +0000

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