PRESS RELEASE Rogier Telderman Trio presents debut album - TopicsExpress


PRESS RELEASE Rogier Telderman Trio presents debut album ‘Contours’ Uplifting narrative music On December 2nd the Dutch Rogier Telderman Trio will present their debut album ‘Contours’. Apart from pianist and bandleader Rogier Telderman the trio comprises Guus Bakker on double bass and drummer Tuur Moens. The nine playful and uplifting cutting-edge tracks on the album have all been written by Telderman. The release will be followed by a tour around the Netherlands in early 2015, and a European tour later that year. If anything shines through on this debut album it is the versatility of the music. “To me music is a living organism”, is how Telderman describes his approach. “An organism that seems to be within your grasp but always remains elusive; an organism that, in fact, shouldn’t be understood completely. You only discern its contours.” The music on ‘Contours’ can best be described as cinematic, lyrical and up-to-the-minute. It is equally inspired by jazz icons and by genres like minimal, rock and classical music. In short, the perfect ingredients for an accessible album. Creating stories is what Telderman’s music is about. It is exactly in inspired storytelling that the members of the trio meet. This is a launching platform from which they fire each other to move outside their comfort zones. To further develop his skills as a storyteller Telderman plays in various musical ensembles, ranging in their repertoire from vocal soul (Melphi) to contemporary classical music (TEMKO). He also teaches Music Theatre at the Codarts Conservatory in Rotterdam. In concert the trio sounds more free and raw than on the album. On stage they reinvent the stories and explore their boundaries. “We want to invigorate the audience with our music, infuse them with hope, new inspiration. We want them to feel relaxed and uplifted through listening to our music.” ‘Contours’ is released by RM Records, a young label that focuses on imaginative new music by excellent musicians - music that fires the imagination and touches at a deep emotional level. Udo Pannekeet, who recorded and mixed the album, managed to capture the pleasantly transparant and warm sound of the trio. The release date for ‘Contours’ is Tuesday December 2. The album will be available in digital format on iTunes. Limited edition CDs (with artwork by Nikki Daniëls) will be sold at concerts, and can be ordered through RogierTelderman. That site also lists the venues and dates for the ‘Contours’ release tour in the Netherlands and Europe, and gives more detailed information about the Rogier Telderman Trio.
Posted on: Tue, 02 Dec 2014 09:38:20 +0000

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