PRESS RELEASE THE MINISTER OF DEFENCE, JUSTICE AND SECURITY, Hon.Dikgakgamatso Ndelu Seretse, welcomed the Deputy Secretary-General, Political Affairs, of the Commonwealth Secretariat, Mrs Mmasekgoa Masire-Mwamba and her team of officials, who were in Botswana this week on a planning mission for the Meeting of Commonwealth Law Ministers and Senior Officials to be held in Gaborone from 5 to 8 May 2014. The Ministry of Defence, Justice and Security and the Commonwealth Secretariat team, discussed and put the final touches on the programme and other logistical arrangements for the Meeting. Botswana’s offer to host the 18th Meeting of Law Ministers and Senior Officials was made at the last meeting of the Law Ministers in Sydney, Australia, in July 2011. The Law Ministers meet every three years to discuss and provide guidance on the rule of law programme of the Commonwealth Secretariat, and the development of legal policies that assist inter alia, the administration of justice, good governance, international cooperation in legal matters, and legislative support. Meeting for the first time in 1965, Law Ministers have used their triennial forum to exchange ideas, share experiences of their legal systems, and to express their shared commitment to upholding the rule of law and the protection of the rights and freedoms of their citizens. Speaking at a joint press conference on Friday 31st January 2014 at the Mass Media Complex in Gaborone, between the Ministry of Defence, Justice and Security and the Commonwealth Secretariat, the Honourable Minister said that Botswana, like any other democratic country, adheres to the Commonwealth Charter which states that: We believe in the rule of law as an essential protection for the people of the Commonwealth and as an assurance of limited and accountable government. In particular we support an independent, impartial, hones and competent judiciary and recognize that an independent, effective and competent legal system is integral to upholding the rule of law. Engendering public confidence and dispensing justice. Those Commonwealth values are echoed in the theme of the Meeting, Consolidating Human Rights and the Rule of Law in the Commonwealth, and are in line with the Constitution of Botswana which guarantees protection of human rights, independence of the judiciary and accountable government. Said the Honourable Minister, “the expected outcomes of the Meeting will include the shared experiences in best practice in strengthening the rule of law, its link to sustainable development, democracy, constitutionality and protection of human rights; and giving direction to the Commonwealth Secretariat regarding priority areas for technical support and assistance in promoting access to justice and strengthening the administration of justice”. Deputy Secretary-General Masire-Mwamba expressed the Commonwealth’s gratitude in Botswana hosting the Law Ministers’ Meeting and was pleased with the progress made in the preparations thus far. “The Meeting will consider key global and emerging legal issues relevant to the Commonwealth such as climate change and the law, the link between the rule of law and sustainable development, and tackling cybercrime in Commonwealth countries. Other issues to be discussed at the meeting are international cooperation, legislative drafting, strengthening of the administration of justice and combating corruption,” she said. More information on the Meeting can be found on its dedicated website, …………………………………………End………………………………………….. Gaborone, 31st January 2014.
Posted on: Fri, 31 Jan 2014 13:31:01 +0000

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