PRESS RELEASE THE YOUTHS ARE SAYING NO TO UNDERAGE MARRIAGE Youths Yearning For A Better Tomorrow (YYFBT) had in the past folded its arm and watched wealthy visions waste without recount. Young graduates have been turned into Motor Park Boys; young men in their various homes and communities are used as political thugs and other shameful acts. These leaders of tomorrow undergo a lot of bitter experiences on account of survival series. One of the greatest challenges before YYFBT is to channel her resources to ensure a better living for these young professionals, by collaborating to create and acquire a socio-political sense of direction. To actualize this socio-political feat, YYFBT, hereby offers herself as the platform to secure the much needed political will and consciousness. Therefore, the task of assisting young men to earn a better living becomes a must-achieve task. YYFBT in keeping faith to the sustenance and survival of democracy in Nigeria is desirous to protect the future of these young professionals and make of them a future positive generations. The news of the most obnoxious and retrogressive move of the 21st century encouraging child marriage by the Nigerian Senate came as a rude shock not only to Nigerians but every right thinking people of the civilized world! The Youth Yearning For A Better Tomorrow (YYFBT) rejects this development vehemently and condemns it in the strongest terms. Of all the myriad of problems facing Nigeria, legislation about underage marriage is the least of what Nigerians expect from their Senators. By isolating Section 29 (4a and 4b) of the Nigerian Constitution, which state inter-alia: For the purposes of subsection (1) of this section; (a) “full age” means the age of eighteen years and above (b) Any woman who is married shall be deemed to be of full age. From Section 23 of the Child Rights Act which specifically put marriage age at 18 these Senators have declared war on young girls in Nigeria and they deserve to be reprimanded in strong language. This move by Senators is not about progress for Nigeria, it does not address the issue of youth’s unemployment. It is not about improving standards of education in the country, not even about revamping our hospitals, and electricity/power supply. It is about harvesting young underage girls and giving them away to pedophiles. This bill takes Nigeria back to the Stone Age and makes us a laughing stock before the entire world again. If the current Minister of Education Professor Ruqayyah Ahmed Rufa’i had gotten married at age 12 or 13, she would not be a Minister today or if our very own Chairperson of the House Committee on Diaspora Affairs Mrs. Abike Dabiri Erewa married at the age of 13 she would not be where she is today. This is a disgrace to the entire nation, and an insult to womanhood! YYFBT is worried about this ugly situation and believe that the First Lady, Mrs. Patience Jonathan has a role to play as a mother of the nation. She cannot fold her hands watching the ugly incident happening in the country without saying a word. We feel so ashamed that she has not made any comment on this national issue as a mother and a wife. While many Nigerians are begging for food and with the high unemployment rate, the Senate is sitting on how to destroy the young female under the guise of underage marriage. The approach and activities of some politicians in governance, seems to suggest that God-fearing leaders are rare to come by, whereby it has become a common feature to see men/women that only think of themselves and family alone, (an act of “self centeredness”). This is in contrast to the vision and aspirations of our founding fathers and true patriots, namely; Dr. Nnamdi Azikwe, Chief Obafemi Awolowo, Alh. Tafawa Balewa and others. These are men that had the interest of the Nigerian nation at heart, (the betterment of Nigerian citizens and the general advancement of the Nigerian project was dear to them). Today which of the present politicians can serve Nigerians selflessly, without thinking of what gets to his/her pocket first? This is the tasking question, which YYFBT is asking the leaders of this country . The cardinal question YYFBT wants Nigerians to ask is how can a person deliver and lead the people he has no interest in? So what are we actually talking about. If you don’t have Nigerians at heart, how can you lead and deliver them? You can’t give what you don’t have, this is a simple logic. It is disheartening to see people talking about Nigeria, as if they ever loved Nigerians where an ordinary Nigerian is uncared for and some are dying of starvation, simply because they have no food on their table, and this acclaimed Nigerian lovers have no solution to their problems. These Senators should go and beg God for forgiveness for what they are about to embark on. We the NIGERIAN YOUTHS ARE SAYING NO TO UNDERAGE MARRIAGE. ENUMA LUCKY National Coordinator
Posted on: Thu, 25 Jul 2013 12:55:51 +0000

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