PRESS RELESASE John W. Salm III, Chairman of the Northampton - TopicsExpress


PRESS RELESASE John W. Salm III, Chairman of the Northampton County Republican Party Unit is pleased to announce that Granville Hogg, a lifelong County resident is the Republican Party’s choice for the District 1 seat on the County Board of Supervisors. District 1 contains: Cape Charles, Cherrystone, Capeville and Townsend. Mr. Hogg is challenging the incumbent in his second run for this seat. Granville Hogg states “I am running as a Republican Candidate because I believe in individual freedom, in a government that promotes business, spends our hard-earned tax dollars wisely and within the community’s means. I believe the Republican Party acknowledges many of the values I perceive important and therefore I choose to run as a Republican candidate.” When questioned as to why he wanted to again be a candidate Granville replied: “I am saddened to see our County on a steep slope of decline. Our property values have declined, our tax rate has increased, the hospital is moving to Accomack County, businesses are closing their doors or moving out and our school system is in dire need of repair. Attempts by leadership to resolve these issues have not produced positive results.” Mr. Hogg opined further: “The loss of the hospital to Accomack County should never have occurred. As a medical facility it not only provides exceptional health care but it has become the “flagship” of the county by attracting related businesses such as medical supplies, professional offices, and health care centers. When the move is completed in a few years we will likely be left with more abandoned buildings. An emergency room trip for the citizens of District 1 will now require an ambulance ride across the bridge-tunnel. Mr. Hogg continued: “Many property owners are paying more then they paid last year and the year before that. The current Chairman of the Board of Supervisors was quoted at a recent public meeting: “You know we need the money”. I find that remark as an insult to the hard-working citizens of Northampton County. Just as a family needs to live within its means, the Board of Supervisors has an obligation to do the same. I have reminded them of this for many years and intend to keep on doing so until they get the message.” Granville went on: “It is felt by some that business is not welcome in Northampton County. Those that have demonstrated good management and been frugal have survived. We have been blessed with abundant agriculture and aquaculture resources. Food processing and tourism should be major income producers to elevate our economic structure. We can not support Northampton County on residential property and personal property taxes.” Finally: “My family has been involved in education, both public and private in the County and District 1 for several decades. Northampton County schools are not accomplishing their objective. School administrators have tried various alternatives to no avail. Teachers alone cannot provide a comprehensive education to our children. Parental, Community and Church involvement is fundamental in laying the foundation for our children to be good providers and community leaders.” Mr. Salm concludes with: “All citizens of District 1 should welcome the fact that our District has a choice this November. It is incumbent of the people to become informed and make a wise decision on November 5th. For those who share Mr. Hogg’s opinions and views, I would suggest that you attend one of our local meetings, which are open to all. We typically meet on the first Thursday of every month, at 7:00 pm, at the Little Italy Restaurant in Nassawadox.
Posted on: Fri, 12 Jul 2013 18:33:42 +0000

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