PRESS STATEMENT BY HON. HOWARD KUNDA MP (NATIONAL YOUTH CHAIRMAN MMD) We want to agree with Dr Kaingu on some of the issues he talked about when he appeared on ZNBC’s Sunday interview. We agree with him that he has no capacity to be a leader in our big political party that is not short of leaders. He only has the capacity to bring confusion in the party. We demand that he steps aside so that people with the capacity to lead can come in. We agree with him that MMD is a collective party and therefore we agree with all the members who have said no to the call to go to an extraordinary convention , when we know that we have a president who was elected and given a 5 year mandate. So it is with common sense that we are going to hold a convention after 5 years. We agree with him that with the true colors that he has shown, he cannot work with sober minds in the party. He should avoid the embarrassment by just stepping aside. We shall not allow the PF to destroy our party through these selfish individuals. We the MMD youth are behind the leadership of our president Dr. Nevers Mumba who was elected by the people by a landslide victory of 70 percent plus. Hon. Howard Kunda MP National youth chairman MMD
Posted on: Wed, 16 Apr 2014 14:20:18 +0000

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