PRESS STATEMENT BY REP. WORLEA-SAYWAH DUNAH ON THE ALLEGATIONS OF MISMANAGEMENT OF NIMBA COUNTY RESOURCES BY DR. EMMANUEL DOLO AND DR. FREDERICK NORKEH Thursday,February 27,2014 Capitol Hill , Monrovia On Monday, Februay 24,2014, the Frontpage Africa newspaper on page number ten(10) of its Vol.8 No.540 edition carried a news story quoting two key officials of the President Sirleaf cabinet in persons of Minister of Posts, Dr. Frederick Norkeh and the Advisor to the President Dr. Emmanuel Dolo raising allegations of mismanagement of the Nimba County resources since 2006 in separate remarks at the youth retreat organized by the Federation of Nimba Youths and Students Organizations(FENYSO) in Monrovia. We are particularly constrained by these remarks especially given the fact that we have served in the county leadership consistently since 2006 as the Secretary of the Nimba County Legislative Caucus; it is our responsibility to properly inform our people and the world that these two cabinet officials are in gross error over these allegations and that these represent an unfortunate development in our drive to unite the people of Nimba. The war against corruption will succeed only when we name and shame; therefore the two officials are under obligations to be specific and exact instead of throwing a blanket over all those who have served Nimba from 2006 to current; and this is the duty of all true Liberian. We have come to the painful conclusion after reading their comments that the two cabinet officials in an attempt to play politics with development have misinformed our youth about the use of the social fund. Since its inception in 2006, no member of the Legislative Caucus has ever been signatory to the accounts or ever presided over its management; rather visionary development like the purchases of yellow machines are decided and its implementation rest with the executive. We started the scholarship program which has greatly contributed to youth empowerment, yet both men never mentioned it; we took a bold decision to be the first county to own road building equipment against the views of people like Norkeh and today it is a great asset to the county; we took a decision to establish a community college which today Norkeh chairs the board – and Senator Dolo led these developments. And consistent with the Public Financial Management Laws and the Procurement Laws all of these are presided over by the executive. However, the facts of their comments need to be assayed and the truths, some already forgotten, must be ferreted out for the public. I have always protected the resources since my incumbency and at one time my insistence that 1.2 million of our county social funds should not be used for hosting of the National Independence Day but rather that the government should have a budget for that made me a pariah ; but I am proud of my stand and will bring forth some truths here today. As Regards Presidential Advisor Dolo Remarks The Presidential Advisor description of the county as on the verge of bankruptcy as result of mismanagement is wrong; the county is rather on the verge of bankruptcy because the Ministry of Finance owes the county over five million United States Dollars which it has consistently refused to remit over two budget periods. Two weeks ago we met with the President for the fourth time in six months over these situations. Dr. Dolo also knows that in August 2012 the President asked for the machines to open the roads to the Southeast during the rains without charges and we agreed; President also asked us for the Ministry of Public Works to use our stock of fuel worth $300,000.00usd because it will take time to get fuel from Monrovia. On humanitarian grounds we obliged; today the President owes us that amount and we are now being drilled by Minister Konneh which we have again informed the President.
Posted on: Sun, 09 Mar 2014 10:52:48 +0000

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