PRESS STATEMENT BY SILAS JAKAKIMBA, ASPIRANT, HOMA-BAY COUNTY SENATORIAL BY-ELECTION SATURDAY 27TH DECEMBER, 2014, 10.45AM AT NAIROBI. Fellow Kenyans, The People of Homa-Bay County, members of The Fourth Estate; We all know that my history with the Orange Democratic Movement speaks for itself. For nearly 8 years, it has been a journey replete with dedicated, loyal and committed service to ODM and its leadership. In some instances, I have had to make, on behalf of ODM, and only known to its top leadership, sacrifices that are so personal to my life and those of my loved ones, in one singular belief that these would help realize CORD’s dream of bridging Kenya into a freer, more equal, democratic and prosperous society where every citizen can live a dignified life. Few weeks ago, I declared my intentions to run for the vacant Homa-Bay senatorial seat. I went into this race telling our People that I was ready to partner with them, as a servant leader, to steer Homa-Bay to greater heights and together with the County Government, focus on improving the lives of our folks. This dream was cut short when ODM chose the easier route of awarding its Certificate to my brother Moses Kajwang’, purely based on NO criteria at all, and if any, pedestrian at the best. It alleged to have done an ‘internal popularity survey’, which in its estimation, saw my friend Moses, who joined ODM and public life few days ago, ‘beat’ the rest of us, and purportedly more popular, from Nyakwere, to Kendu-Bay, to Oyugis, to Magunga, to Mfangano Island, and everywhere else. This was a slap on the democratic principles which ground the ideals of ODM. Surely, bad manners by ODM’s National Elections Board were taken too far in this particular scenario. An independent observer would be forgiven to believe that violence attracts rewards in a party that stands on democracy tenets. Today, we at #TeamSilasJAKAKIMBA embark on a journey that is about offering The People of Homa-Bay County with a chance to make their voices heard in determining the next individual to succeed my friend and Learned Senior, Senator Gerald Otieno Kajwang’. We are starting a journey that seeks to solidify the fact that in spite of humble beginnings, one can still stand out and be counted to offer hope and belief in possibilities. A possibility that every daughter and son of Homa-Bay County can, through the popular will of the People, rise to highest position(s) of responsibility and service, regardless of their last name, sorry background, political connections or family affiliations. The hope that together, based on people-driven, responsive leadership, we can make Homa-Bay County the Destination of Choice in the Republic of Kenya. It is clear in my mind that the road ahead will not be smooth, yet again the daily constant and numerous voices from our people, urging me to forge ahead, give me hope that Yes, We Can. The struggle continues and the desire of our people to elect their leader is growing stronger by the day. I am humbled and overwhelmed by support from across the lengths and breadths of Homa-Bay County and therefore wish to respond to the voice(s) of our people. I therefore accordingly accept with humility, the decision of the National Elections Board and the National Executive Committee of the UNITED DEMOCRATIC MOVEMENT PARTY OF KENYA, also a strong member of The CORD Family, to accept me as a bona-fide member and grant me the political pedestal to contest the vacant Homa-Bay senatorial seat. So, Help me GOD, though The People of Homa-Bay County. Signed. SILAS JAKAKIMBA.
Posted on: Sat, 27 Dec 2014 12:11:05 +0000

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