PRESS STATEMENT FROM NAPS SENATE SECRETARIAT SIX WEEKS OF ASUP STRIKE SUSPENSION WITH NO ACADEMIC ACTIVITIES IN FEDERAL POLYTECHNIC EKOWE, BAYELSA STATE. It become amazing to the listening of the entire Nigerian student community that after a protracted 10 months ASUP nation wide strike which was suspended on 17 July 2014, that the only federal polytechnic in bayelsa state is yet to resume academic activities, the frustration on the students of the polytechnic and the undue delay in their carrier alert the need for rescue hand of the hon. Minister of education and other stakeholders in education sector, the leadership of NAPS haven engaged in wide consultation, and fact finding mission to establish the real cause of this saga, fact as reveal that PROPAGATION OF CORRUPT PRACTICE, EMBEZZLEMENT AND SYFUNDMENT OF FUND meant for the academic pursuit and smooth running of the Polytechnics under the conspiracy of the school bursar mr. James Neminebor and the governing council chairman Mr. Bekeakpo Etifa taking advance of polytechnic situation of no substantive rector but an acting capacity. This act has result to short payment of academic staff union salaries as well lack of money to put In place required facilities for resumption of our teeming students in the polytechnic, thIs has result to the non resumption of activity by the academic staff union of polytechnic ekowe chapter demanding until their salaries are fully paid while the polytechnic has grow to hunting field as grass become the marshal. the grid attitude of an individual tending to affect the life, future and carrier of the promising youth/students of our dear nation . This is term as a calculated attempt to frustrate the effort of president GOODLUCK EBELE JONATHAN transformation agenda as this is emanating from the president home state, as well to stain the integrity of the state. We therefore call on honorable minister of education Mallam Ibrahim shekaraou to set up ministerial panel to visit to polytechnic and possibly dissolve the governing council pending the report of the panel so as for academic activities to resume in the institution for the sake of the innocent students of the panel from polytechnic, we solely believe FG will yield to our demand as a matter of urgency as any delay in acting accordingly from now and next 21 days may attract confrontational dimension from the student body. Signed NAPS senate president Comr. Salahudeen A. Lukman
Posted on: Thu, 28 Aug 2014 23:35:46 +0000

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