PRESS STATEMENT MADE BY TANA RIVER SENATOR HON. ALI BULE AT SERENA HOTEL. Ladies and gentlemen. Good evening! As the senator of tana river, i make this statement with great remorse. I am sad because people have died in tana river because of land. They continue to meet untimely death because the land issue has never been resolved from generation to generation. The last time his excellency the president came to tana river to issue titles, he cancelled the issuance and gave the local leaders a six month period for resolution of conflicts existing on land. To date no meaningful headway has been made because the governor for tana river has decided to lock out other leaders in decision making in all matters of tana river in development and more especially the sensitive issue of land. It is on this note that i call upon the leadership of this country, the president, the deputy president and land cabinet secretary including the land commission to cancel the planned visit by the cabinet secretary to issue title deeds until a thorough investigation is done to establish the underlying problems. The beneficiaries of land in tanariver are well known as they are in government or were in government or enjoy protection from the government. The governor himself is a beneficiary so he should not mislead the cabinet secretary to issue title deeds prematurely. I implore the cabinet secretary to act with caution and suspend the planned exercise unti all stakeholders are brought on board. The people of tanariver must have a say!! Thank you. be blessed
Posted on: Sat, 09 Aug 2014 20:52:51 +0000

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