PRESS STATEMENT MEMBER OF PARLIAMENT FOR PENAMPANG, DARELL LEIKING The decision by the BN led Federal Government to reduce the subsidies on petrol and diesel by RM0.20 is being made at the wrong time since the rakyat is still struggling with the high price of essential goods, the Cabottage Policy in the case of Sabah and coupled with the introduction of the impending GST next year. This reduction of subsidies would definitely push the already high price of essential goods even higher and will affect people in the urban areas and interiors of Sabah and Sarawak the most. Since diesel and RON 95 fuels are the most common fuel(s) tht is/are being utilised by Sabahans, we may also see negative impact within the public transportation services since buses, mini buses and vans operators may now have to increase the transportation fares to cover their operating costs. While the operators of these public transportation services may not hike the transportation fares immediately in lieu of the reduction of the subsidies, over time, they may have too since they are now already been facing high price of vehicle spare parts and other related costs entailing the maintenance of vehicles. And all of us know that these public transportation services are the lifeline of hundred thousands of low and middle income earners living within the urban and interior areas of Sabah. Before the reduction of the fuel subsidies were announced last Tuesday, the villagers from Upper Moyog Penampang have already pointed it out to me that workers and students from that area would have to fork out almost and if not at least the sum between RM5.00 – RM7.00 everytime they go to Pekan Donggongon. The sum may not be much for high income earners but I urge them and the powers that be, to put themselves in the shoes and environment of those who are by the way the majority and who struggle daily with this daily costs, what more with the spiraling effect this increase on the reduction of fuel subsidies will have. Now, with this reduction of subsidies, the increase of transportation fare is inevitable and the most affected ones would be the low and middle income earners having children who are still schooling. I am certain that this scenario faced by the villagers in Upper Moyog is also prevalent over all the Major Urban and Interior areas in Sabah and Sarawak, including those in the Parliamentary seats held by BN. One may ask why must there be an extra attention on the people of Sabah? Lest we forget that despite Sabah is the one of the major contributors to the Federals coffer through petroleum revenue, tourism, agriculture and human capital in the Peninsular, the state is ironically still being categorized as the poorest state in Malaysia by the World Bank. Logic tells us that if Sabah is able to enrich the Federation it is in, then surely Sabah should be the richest amongst the other states! Thus, in this issue, the questions which the Federal Cabinet Ministers and the respective Presidents of the BN Sabah component parties must now answer /are :- 1.did the BN-led Federal Government discussed earlier on with the Federal Cabinet Ministers from Sabah relating to the impact which will be borne by Sabahans following the reduction of the fuel subsidies? 2.did the Presidents from BN Sabah component parties ordered their respective party think tank to conduct a prior research (with the result being discussed during the national BN meeting) before the reduction of the subsidies is being announced by the Chairman of BN? 3.did the Federal Cabinet Ministers and respective Presidents of the BN Sabah component parties forwarded their suggestions to Najib Razak as the Prime Minister and Chairman of BN Malaysia relating to the specific method to reduce the impact of the reduction over the people within the urban and interior areas of Sabah? Sabahans and Sarawakians have been desperately highlighting the issue Sabah and Sarawak as the equal partner within the Federation of Malaysia, so, the three questions above will be able to give us a clearer picture whether the BN leaders from both states are really committed to regain the lost honor of Sabah and Sarawak within the Federation of Malaysia or not. We have repeatedly seeing scenarios in whereby, just after a decision is being made by the BN-led Federal Government over an issue which would also affect the interest and welfare of Sabahans, the respective Presidents or leaders of the BN Sabah component parties will make their statement as if they never knew of such decision beforehand. Then, if that is the case, then BN state leaders single role is only to deliver seats to UMNO to enable the party to continue governing the country; nothing more nothing less. Thus, how could BN state leaders threaten the people of Sabah and Sarawak with sedition arrest for airing their grievances over such incompetency and incapability when at the same time, all the decisions and policies decided by the Federal or State Government is made jointly by the BN leaders themselves?! And this is happening within the 20 years undisturbed rule by BN in Sabah. Darell Leiking Member of Parliament, Penampang 1st October 2014
Posted on: Thu, 02 Oct 2014 07:59:20 +0000

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