PRESS STATEMENT: PM NAJIB NEEDS SOUL SEARCHING. BN COMPONENT PARTIES NEED TO GET CRACKING Hindraf is puzzled with PM Dato Sri Najib’s revival of the cabinet committee on Indian affairs which has been defunct over the last 3 years. What is the Prime Minister up to? Has he suddenly “found revelation” on his non-performance on the HINDRAF-BN MoU? Similar to this, many other committees such as SITP, Pelan tindakan sekolah tamil had been established since 2009 without any tangible results for the community at large. This Cabinet committee will be hogwash to hoodwink the community. If the PM is trying to appease the Indian community that he is keeping to his promises by reviving the dead cabinet committee, he is unmistakably wrong on his assessment on the psyche of the Indian community. The Indian community had enough of the BN’s broken promises and their wayang kulits along with their Indian political allies. They have totally lost any hope in the MIC, the official mouthpiece of Government. MIC is seen by the public at large as a corrupted party which serves itself rather than the community. There is nothing the Prime Minister could do any longer using the MIC or their crony Foundations and NGOs’ to repair the damage to the 57 years of marginalisation of the Indian community. The Prime Minister appears to be panicking in the wake of sliding support of Indian grassroots and lost of confidence in his leadership. The Prime Minister has only one option- that is to honour the BN-HINDRAF blueprint which serves as a permanent and comprehensive solution to the 57 years problems faced by the Malaysian Indian community. All piecemeal solution and dishing of hand outs are not going to solve the problem of the community. By reviving the MIC which is a dead horse in times of crisis is no solution. There is no point flogging a dead horse. Just get cracking and implement the promises made in the general elections whole heartedly with the help of sincere people out there who are really committed to helping the community. Hindraf urges the BN component parties to review their decision not to honour their election promises. 5 years is not too long a time and there is no way the people would forget the betrayal of trust placed by them on BN in the last General election. The PM’s wilful action in conveniently dishonouring the MoU would affect the votes to other component parties as well as UMNO. Hindraf predicts the inevitable fall of Negeri Sembilan, Perak and Kedah to the opposition. BN election pundits would surely have done their calculation. The very trust of the people has been lost and PM Dato Sri Najib needs do to some serious soul searching. Ramesh Periasamy Secretary HINDRAF
Posted on: Thu, 06 Mar 2014 06:17:08 +0000

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