PRESS STATEMENT. SIR TONY OBUH CONGRATULATES UPU, URGED LEADERSHIP TO REVISIT UVBIAMUGE DECLARATION. A frontline Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) governorship aspirant in Delta State, Sir Tony Chuks Obuh has described the Urhobo Nation as one of the most formidable ethnic nationalities in Nigeria with global impact and clear vision for the upliftment of the socio-cultural and tradition of its people. He made the observation in a congratulatory message to the leadership of the Urhobo Progress Union (UPU) for the successful celebration of this year’s Urhobo Day in the United Kingdom. Obuh noted that the group has consistently grew locally and internationally since its inception in 1946 when former colonial Governor, Sir Arthur Richards signed the certificate of registration. The gubernatorial aspirant’s message signed by his Political Communication Resource Person, Dr. Fred Latimore Oghenesivbe, further described the Urhobo ethnic nationality as a people united in culture, tradition and have over the years contributed in no small measures in the socio-cultural, political and economic development of Nigeria in particular and Delta State in general. He said the place of culture in our social milieu is so important that there can never be cultural identity if a people jettison theirs for foreign culture. He commended the UPU leadership for the sustenance and projection of the rich Urhobo culture and tradition both at home and abroad and urged the good people of Delta Central Senatorial District and indeed the entire Urhobo nation to support his political aspiration which would further cement the already robust relationship between Delta North and Central. Obuh is of the opinion that the UPU Uvbiamuge declaration which seeks to produce an Urhobo Governor in 2015 should be revisited by the group leadership so as to reach a common ground on how to form an all inclusive government in 2015 through the political instrumentality of North-Central-South Unity Accord (NCSUA) for good governance. According to him, Delta State remains one united family and what is relevant at this point in time is to work together to sustain and improve upon the progress already made so far by Gov. Uduaghan’s administration. He said it is reasonable from all indication for Delta North which has never produced a Governor since the creation of the state twenty three years ago to of a necessity be given the opportunity in 2015 since the other two senatorial districts (Central and South) have been privileged to do so. Sir Obuh, assured the UPU leadership and the good people of Delta Central of great partnership both in politics and in the running of state affairs in terms of regular consultations and joint-formulation of economic and infrastructural programmes and execution to the effect that the three senatorial districts will be developed on equal basis during his tenure, if elected Governor in 2015. The gubernatorial aspirant described the late President-General of UPU, Chief (Major-General) Patrick Aziza, as a formidable leader with great foresight and vision whose proactive leadership style helped to enhance and solidify the unity, peace and progress of the Urhobo Nation. He said General Aziza will be remembered for his great roles in the socio-cultural and political arena for a long time to come and appealed to the Acting President General of UPU, Chief Joe Omene and his executives to accept him (Obuh) as a truly detribalized Deltan who will work with the Urhobo cultural organization for the development of Delta State if elected as the fourth Executive Governor in 2015. Dr Fred Latimore Oghenesivbe, PhD, LL.B, M.NIIA Political Communication Resource Person TONY OBUH 2015 GOVERNORSHIP PROJECT. Asaba, Delta State.
Posted on: Tue, 07 Oct 2014 01:22:31 +0000

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