PRESSS RELEASE: ATTEMPTS BY MRS. ATTANG UZOMA - CULPRIT IN THE POLICE PENSION SCAM, SAM SABA-CHAIRMAN CODE OF CONDUCT BUREAU AND CRONIES TO FRUSTRATE THE ON-GOING PROSECUTIONS OF MRS. ATTANG AND OTHER We are Solicitors to Chukwuemeka Anagor (herein referred to as our client) on whose instruction we write. Our Client’s attention has been drawn to several desperate attempts by Mrs. Attang, one of the alleged pension thieves, Sam Saba, Chairman Code of Conduct Bureau and other persons in High places to frustrate the prosecutions of Mrs. Attang and other alleged offenders before the High Court and the Code of Conduct Tribunal. The modus operandi is to file charges in court, draw the attention of the press and the general public to give them the impression of an ongoing prosecution, but to turn round thereafter to withdraw the charges and/or shield them from formal arraignment and prosecution, while orchestrating media publications and paid adverts in defense of the allegations in other to attract public empathy. Several publications and advertorials were made in the National Dailies by Mrs. Attang and cronies aimed at frustrating her ongoing prosecution by the Code of Conduct Bureau (CCB) in charge no CCT/Abj/10 between FRN V MRS. UZOMA ATTANG and the Economic and the Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) in Charge No. FCT/CR/64/2012 between FRN v. MRS. UZOMA ATTANG & 7 ORS, over her participation in the looting of several billions of Naira from the Police Pension Fund account. We had on the instruction of our client written petitions against Mrs. Attang over the Police Pension Fraud. Mrs Attang was duly investigated and she was charged to the aforementioned courts. Instead of facing her prosecution, she has been running from one office to the other and making paid advertorials to cover the fraud and divert the attention of the general public and well meaning individuals who are determined to fight corruption in high places. Prominent among the officers who have been compromised by the fraudulent billionaire Mrs. Attang is SAM SABA of the Code of Conduct Bureau. Contrary to laid down procedures, Mr. Sam Saba boycotted the prosecutor Simon C. Egede, Esq., MON and withdrew the charge from the Code of Conduct Tribunal through the back door and not in open court as may be done in genuine cases of withdrawal. Mr. Saba arranged a media publication to inform the Public that he withdrew the case to enable him amend the Charge and file more charges on some fresh criminal activities discovered against Mrs. Attang! For the avoidance of doubt, an amendment to a charge if required can only be done with leave of court on a formal application by way of motion after the Charge has been mentioned in open court. This was not the case here. In an affidavit filed by Sam Saba in an ongoing case against the Code of Conduct before the Federal High Court, Sam Saba in yet another breath claimed “insufficient evidence to undertake a successful prosecution” was the reason for the withdrawal of the charge against Mrs. Attang. The reason given by the Chairman in the letter of withdrawal aforementioned is that the investigation was yet to be concluded!! Indeed eight months after, investigation has not been concluded. It is pertinent to note that all necessary documents necessary to prove the charges beyond reasonable doubt, including but not limited to the copies of relevant incorporation documents, statement of accounts and list of properties worth billions of naira purchased by the Mrs. Attang were given to Sam Saba and the EFCC. Attached for ease of reference is the letter secretly written by Sam Saba withdrawing the case against Mrs. Attang and one Engr. Victor from the Code of Conduct Tribunal. Mr. Sam Saba is currently under investigation for his ugly role aforementioned. The EFCC also investigated the case against the billionaire Mrs. Attang and had her charged to Court in Charge No. FCT/CR/64/2012 between FRN v. MRS. ATTANG UZOMA & 7 ORS alongside Christian Madubuike (Mrs. Attang’s clerk) , John Yakubu Yusufu and 6 others. It will be recalled that John Yusufu had pleaded guilty and was convicted by Justice Mohammed Talba of the FCT High court 13 Gudu. Using her numerous connections and ill gotten wealth, Mrs. Attang evaded formal arraignment till date, whereas her name is there on the charge as one of the accused persons currently facing prosecution in Court. No reasonable explanation has been tendered for her consistent absence in court. The EFCC prosecutor, Mr Rotimi Jacobs only informed the court that Mrs. Attang was not available! It should be noted that Mrs Attang is still serving comfortably as Director-Finance and Accounts, Ministry of Interior, Abuja and lobbying for the post of a Permanent Secretary in the Federal Civil Service. Our client does not have the time to make and orchestrate media publications in reaction to the several cock and bull stories of Mrs. Attang and his accomplices, but he is determined that Nigerians know the whole truth about the case using the proper channel -the able court of law, and we his counsel are gladly poised to carry out this mandate, conscious of the fact that we are not only representing the interest of our client but that of larger majority of Nigerians who our supposed leaders have milked so dry. The following indisputable facts will disabuse the mind of every person who has been cajoled or is being cajoled by the tales by moon light story being peddled around by Mrs. Uzoma Attang and cronies. (1) Mrs. Uzoma Attang was the deputy director (Accounts) in Police Pension Office Ikeja Lagos from 2005- October 2008; (2) It is a notorious fact that there was a serious fraud involving several billions of naira in the police pension office. (3) Mrs. Uzoma Attang incorporated about 10 companies since 2007 in which she served as Director along side with her children and as the major shareholder. This Companies include but not limited to Royal Daidem Business Logistics Limited, Royal Harvest Assembly Mininstry, Enyinuzo Ventures ltd, Status Symbols Rental Ltd, Amazing Grace Property Development ltd, Candu and Sons Enterprises, Anifon Nigeria Ltd, Queenfonte ltd, Status Travels and Toures Ltd etc. She personally and through her clerk, Mr Christian Madubuike (one of the co-accused in the EFCC charge) logged/deposited huge amounts running to billions of naira into the accounts of these companies and bought properties and shares in these companies’ name. She was the sole signatories to the bank accounts. (4) Christian Madubuike, Esai Dangabar, Atiku Abubakar Kigo etc are currently facing trial in the same charge with Mrs Attang, whereas Mrs Attang has used her connections to evade her formal arraignment and trial. (5) Mr. John Yakubu Yusufu who worked alongside Mrs Attang in the same period of massive looting has already pleaded guilty having agreed with Mrs. Attang to commit the alleged fraud as contained in count 1, 2, 3, 6, 13, 16 & 18. He accepted the allegations and has already pleaded guilty and was convicted (though highly criticized as mild and controversial sentence) (6) Both the Code of Conduct and the EFCC could not have charged Mrs. Attang in Charge no CCT/Abj/10 between FRN V MRS. UZOMA ATTANG and Charge No. FCT/CR/64/2012 between FRN v. MRS. ATTANG UZOMA & 7 ORS, over her participation in the looting of several billions of Naira from the Police Pension Fund account if there was no evidence linking her with the reported crime, unless they are incompetent in the job they have been trained for and are indeed claiming expertise, in which case we shall call for their immediate disband or overhaul to avoid further wastage of tax payers’ monies. (7) They are 2 duplicated criminal cases instituted against our client at the Area Court and Magistrate Courts by the Nigeria Police at the instance of billionaire Mrs Attang, who used her usual connections with the aim of jailing our client and stopping him from further revealing Mrs. Attang’s involvement in this Police Pension Fraud. If not for our prompt intervention, our client would have been serving jail terms by now. The Armageddon against corruption must be sustained. Thank you. Yours Sincerely, FOR: ALEX OKETA CHAMBERS ALEXANDER OKETA ESQ (PRINCIPAL/HEAD OF CHAMBERS)
Posted on: Sat, 14 Sep 2013 12:39:55 +0000

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