PRETTY POWERFUL “I believe that beauty comes in all ages, - TopicsExpress


PRETTY POWERFUL “I believe that beauty comes in all ages, colors, shapes and sizes,” says Bobbi of her inspiration for “Pretty Powerful” “It’s not about looking like someone else or trying to be someone you’re not. It’s about figuring out what works for you.” She adds: “Being “Pretty Powerful” is much bigger than beauty. It’s about confidence and the path you take to achieve it.” 1. Determined: I dont give up until I succeed 2. I measure success on my own terms NOT what other think or want it to be 3. Fiercely loyal: once Im on your side, Im there through thick and thin 4. Im not afraid to do things alone, despite what my friends may think 5. I want the best for those around me and will try my hardest 6. Humor: Im not afraid to laugh at myself, crack jokes to break the ice or tell really horrible stories in an attempt to make others laugh. 7. I have the biggest smile ever: when I was younger I used to be ashamed of just how wide I grin (odd, right?) but now you cant stop me baby! 8. Ambitious: pretty self explanatory! 9. Educated: I pride myself on being the first in my family to graduate college. Being first generation American, I knew it was not only important for me to finish school my own well being but I wanted to make my mother proud. 10. I dont let my surroundings define who I am. Am I from the best part of Brooklyn? No. Did I let that stop me? HELL NO! I think its important to know remember where you came from but dont let that hinder you from becoming something great! ~[reposted]MissWhoeverUR Thanks to Bobbi Brown Cosmetics (photo credit) and Marketing Theme. Tell me, what makes you Pretty Powerful?
Posted on: Wed, 29 Jan 2014 00:43:01 +0000

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