PREVIEW (THE BIG IDEA) That Nigeria is open for business and in - TopicsExpress


PREVIEW (THE BIG IDEA) That Nigeria is open for business and in dire need of massive influx of sustainable new investments (enterprises’ & capital infrastructures’) that will aid in speedening up her economic growth, development, consolidation, employment generations and wealth creation is incontestable. However, we believe that the onus is on enterprising and innovative young Nigerians to drive these wholesome national developmental aspirations----backed with massive supports and collaborations from governments at all levels and socially responsible organizations (public and private)----towards creating and optimizing the region’s economic value chain for sustainable wealth, both through technological cum technical wizardry and entrepreneurial ingenuity. For this reasons, we have decided to take-up the challenge of streamlining our innate industry cum creativity with the mandate of other concerned socio-economic stakeholders. As arguably the most endowed region of the world----based on its huge under-exploited natural resources and human capital endowments----Nigeria vis-à-vis Africa, ought naturally, not to have any business with poverty, insufficiency/lack and poverty. But a combination of both self-afflicted factors (corrupt and inept leadership) and aided foreign exploitations, have over the years pushed a once prosperous region into the current state of prevalent hunger, diseases, famine, war, socio-economic and political insecurities, gross underdevelopment etc. But, there’s the good news: those potentials for enormous growth and prosperity haven’t diminished much, if for anything, they have only just fully peaked for optimal conscientious exploitations to once again propel Africa to greater heights----an enviable positioning amongst the comity of nations----as attestable by the sustained current economic achievements of the region within the last decade despite the most recent global economic recessions (its attendant persisting after-shock effects). All that’s required to get to the promise-land are more pro-activeness and pragmatism on the part of every African----at home and Diaspora. Africa is surely on course to once again rise up and be counted, not as a pariah poverty stricken region, but as a truly self-sustaining region that’s guaranteeing enduring development and economic prosperity for its populace and the world at large. Nigeria and the rest of Africa can take a cue from the proactive economic exploits of the Asian tigers, and especially the china lead “BRICS” auspices: Brazil, Russia, India, China and South-Africa; the fast rising global economic power-houses, who collectively account for about 40% of the world’s total currency reserve, and other fast rising economies of the world like Malaysia, Singapore and even Sudan (which currently enjoys the enviable position of being the fastest growing economy in the world, with a sustained double digits GDP within the last decade), and redirect its flawed socio-economic policies, by developing various specific indigenous cost-effective “Integrated Intermediate Solutions” towards harnessing and exploiting the continent’s abundant human and natural resources, across the value chain, thus, joining the globalization train. To creatively, innovatively and profitably provide various world-class multi-sector focused “Bespoke consultancy (specialized projects and services), through massive proactive high level collaborations with various identified stakeholders, aimed at filling the huge value-chain void within our identified target markets----cost-effectively developing and delivering those end-to-end “Integrated intermediate solutions”----e.g. Chicken hatcheries, Slaughter houses, Smoke houses’/Drying ovens, Roasters and other machines & equipments, plus an world-class packaging, distribution and marketing solutions to the fishery, livestock and other agri-business sub-sectors, thereby catalyzing a value-added chain reaction, is amongst the reasons why we, as smart entrepreneurs, are braving the odds by entering into the business world; to act as a stimulants for optimization (the rapid growth, development and mainstreaming) of millions of existing and upstart Micro, Small and medium businesses (MSMEs) and turnkey organizations from the informal into the formal sectors of our economy, thus further deepening the millennium economic development and diversification goals of the nation. Specific creative “Integrated intermediate cost-effective solutions----as the one envisioned and proposed for the agricultural sector----will also be massively replicated and promoted by us in other sectors of our gradually developing economy; our core enterprise focus. Also, we know that the attainment of peak development by any nation is premised on the virile strength, multi-applicability and robustness of its industrial sector. An ability to be self-sufficient in optimally satisfying its huge industrial/manufacturing value-chain local market demands, and even more to competitively supply to a fiercely competitive international market that is continually evolving and fast achieving globalization, via proactive economic policies; thus, strengthening its foreign trade relations with other nations, earning massive direct foreign exchange and improving its economic reputation in the comity of nations. We are poised to massively oil the wheels of commerce in our immediate climate, by redefining the industrial/processing/manufacturing products and business service value-chain of our economy----an economy enormously blessed with both human and natural resources, yet remains largely under-developed despite its potentials----by innovatively harmonizing and profitably harnessing those under-optimized economic potentials, loosed ends and wastages. That’s the dream that fuels our vision and drives our motivation. Our inspiration is fuelled by our faith in today’s possibilities and tomorrows potentials. While Africa is being hailed as the world’s new frontier economy, experiencing growth on par with Asia, a spectre is looming; it threatens the economic revolution that Africa seems poise to experience----its agricultural sector remains in an uncomfortably poor shape. It is no exaggeration to claim that Africa’s disappointing agricultural performance has been one of the region’s biggest failures since independence. Now experts warn that unless it gets a grip on its Achilles heel, the developmental breakthrough that investors and governments are anticipating for the continent in the coming decades will not materialize. But is the region rising to the challenge? But while the African Green Revolution has not yet happened, a combination of government policies, the agribusiness private sector, equipment and a new breed of young commercially minded farmers are rapidly changing the African agricultural landscape for the better----though at a rather sluggish pace! Moreover, food production has not kept up with Africa’s exploding population. While food production per capital income has steadily decreased in the region over the last 50 years, the population has more than tripled and is projected to significantly topple over one billion by 2020. As a result, the value of annual food imports, a costly substitute for insignificant quantity and quality of locally produced food that many cannot afford, is expected to rise to US$11Trln by 2020. There’s no doubt that Africa urgently needs its own Green Revolution, to avoid being the only region in the world that will continue to grapple with significant food shortages and rising malnutrition levels in the nearest future. Heavy sectored mechanization and commercialization is the main key to Africa’s quest for optimal agricultural productivity. Massive irrigation and modern mechanization is the only option opened to Africa if it must achieve its potentials in its Green Revolution drive----catching up with other regions of the world and becoming an international net producer, processor and exporter of agricultural produce. OICL is here to stay!
Posted on: Tue, 02 Jul 2013 17:46:30 +0000

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