.....PREVIOUSLY substantiated, along with the process of - TopicsExpress


.....PREVIOUSLY substantiated, along with the process of homeopathy, by the late IBM materials engineer Marcel Vogel (inventor of the hard drive) YEARS ago now.....just ANOTHER quantum transfer of precisely-configured information, found in EVERY aspect of our lives..... Water and wine magnetic fields One of the primary areas of investigations at the Psychic Research laboratory was the relationship between water and quartz crystals. It has been found that by circulating water around a charged Vogel-cut® quartz crystal many changes occur in the water. These changes are referred to as structuring. As we know, water consists of one oxygen atom and two hydrogen atoms that are held together in a covalent bond This is an actual physical force, much like gravity, that holds these atoms together. Structured water can be thought of as water that has a greater degree of bonding between adjacent water molecules than does unstructured water. Structured water also forms a crystalline-like structure consisting of elongated chains of molecules that can be differentiated from the surrounding water molecules by qualities that are consistent with qualities found in liquid crystals such as increased birefringence and a lowering of the freezing point. A microstate is the angular, geometrical alignments that water molecules have when they are in the structured state. Quartz crystal shows a microstate but not a mesophase, as it is a permanent state solid rather than a transitional state or semi solid. When the various angles of the quartz molecule are investigated, a possible basis for its resonance with the water molecule is found. The fundamental geometrical pattern of quartz and water is the tetrahedron. Water molecules, bound together, form tetrahedrons in tilted or puckered rings. This tilting happens because of the bonding angle that exists between any three water molecules. This angle is 109.5 degrees. The normal flat hexagon has angles of 120 degrees. Water molecules with smaller angles, if they are to be formed into a hexagon, must have an uneven structure that is not in a flat plane but is instead a three dimensional object. This uneven structure is formed by what is called the bending angle or angle of tilt. This angle can be between 20 degrees and 60 degrees, but the most common is 26 degrees. This is where the intermolecular bond is the strongest and it happens to be half of the interlattice angle of quartz. The second most common bending angle for water is 54 degrees which is quite close to the interlattice angle of quartz as well. The interlattice angle of a crystal is related to the basal angle. The basal angle is ½ of the angle of the tip of the crystal. The interlattice angle of quartz is 90 degrees minus the basal angle which is 38 degrees. Therefore the interlattice angle is 52 degrees. This is also the angle of the Cheops pyramid. The intermolecular bonding angle for the water molecule is 104.5 degrees. This is the angle that exists between the hydrogen atoms of each water molecule. It is virtually double that of the interlattice angle for quartz. It is possible that there is a compatible harmonic between water and quartz because of the similarity of these angles. This would allow a resonant transfer of the energies that are imputed to the crystal to a significant group of water molecules in any given sample. The structure of quartz can replicate itself in water because of this resonant transfer based upon structure. The geometric structure produces frequency patterns, harmonics, that can transfer into water. Very small amounts of energy are required for this transfer. The nature of resonant systems is such that a minimal input can achieve a maximal output. Resonance transfer occurs because the energy waveforms coming out of a vibrating substance have nearly identical waveforms. The phase relationships of a resonating system can be defined in terms of the angular separation that exists between adjacent molecules. The six molecules that form one hexagonal ring, when in resonance, will vibrate or broadcast its energy on a wave that has a particular frequency. The first molecule will vibrate influencing the second molecule; the second will affect the third, and so on. The time intervals between successive broadcasts will result in a phase delay which can be converted into a phase angle. Successive waves coming from an oscillating system have successive phase angles that equal the angular separation that exists between members of the system. The phase angle within the vibrating ring of water molecules is 60 degrees (360 divided by 6). If there were 7 molecules in the ring the phase angle would be 360/7 or 51.43 degrees. This is the principle phase angle of quartz. Most of the internal angles of water and quartz are either fractions of this angle or multiples of it. It is the interlattice resonance between the quartz microstate and the lyotropic mesophase that is the determining factor in the formation of the lyotropic mesophase in water. It is the reason that water can be structured by spinning it around a Vogel-cut® quartz crystal. It does not require large amounts of energy to accomplish this. As an example of resonant transfer, one can imagine a series of dominoes being placed across the United States. from San Francisco to Washington. Each successive domino would be slightly larger and heavier than the previous piece. By the time we reached Washington, the final domino might be as large as the Washington monument. By applying a slight push to the first domino, less than one pennyweight, each domino would be knocked over until the final piece was toppled. Through the introduction of a very small energy to a system the result is the production of enough energy to knock over the final very large and heavy domino. The structuring of water around a Vogel-cut quartz crystal is dependent upon the program that is imprinted into the crystal. It is the program that brings about the abrupt change in state. A fundamental program that can bring about dramatic changes in water is that of unconditional love. In the structuring of water and wines the question was whether there was a field created in space when the water was spun around a crystal. A GE magnetometer was attached to the inside of the structuring chamber and a series of readings were taken when the water was spun around a charged crystal. Within the chamber was housed a stainless steel coil, the tubing being ¾ inch in diameter and with seven right hand turns. The diameter of the coil was approximately six inches. The programmed Vogel-cut crystal was placed, with firing tip (the more acute termination) downwards, in a specially designed holder so that it was in place within the coil. The chamber or enclosure for the coil and crystal was made from pine and finished with shellac. The magneto- meter was mounted on the side of the chamber with the probe placed in the space between the crystal and the coil. The temperature was kept at 70 degrees F with the chamber sealed. 1000cc of water was used at all times. For each pass around the crystal, a 50cc sample was taken for an analysis with the Omega 5, a 50cc sample was taken for pH and conductivity measurements, and a cuvette sample was taken for infra-red and ultra-violet spectro- photometry. The results of these experiments showed that: 1) water spinning in a coil generates a weak, but measurable field 2) crystals of quartz can be charged with “information” and tuned to the fields generated by spinning water 3) a critical charge is required for “information transfer” to occur (i.e. 1 - 4 passes around the crystal) 4) this number of passes can be modified by the programming of the crystals 5) more than one operator is possible 6) the program transfer is a resonance transfer with no loss in the original program after hundreds of experiments have been done with the system 7) water is made to be a permanent magnet. This field remains constant after the water stops spinning and can be removed by the application of a bulk demagnetizer. The basic changes noted in water after being spun around an appropriately charged Vogel- cut® crystal were as follows: 1) decreased surface tension 2) the appearance of two new bands of light in the infra- red and ultra-violet spectrum indicating a stretching of molecular bonding of the water. This is indicative of more energy and a new information in the water 3) the conductivity of the water increases 4) the pH of the water can be altered up to 3 points, an increase in acidity or alkalinity 5) the freezing point of the water could drop to as low as -30 degrees C 6) a significant number of the molecules would become aligned in micro-clusters or molecular chains; orderly, systematic and repeating patterns. The water has become a liquid crystal system capable of storing information According to Marcel: “This structuring is best assayed with a UV spectro-photometer where one finds an increase in UV absorption due to an increase in the water bonding from the water forming chains on itself. The magnetic moment of this structured water is increased by 0.07 gauss and there is also an increase in the pH and dielectric conductivity. Boiling of the water after structuring shows no change in the UV spectrum, so one can conclude that a permanent chemical change has taken place. When a drop of this structured silica water is dried on a slide and compared with untreated silica water, the photomicrographs show the formation of needle-like silica crystals in the structured water drop while the untreated water dried to an amorphous mass of silica gel. This shows that the process of structuring water produces a structuring or ordering effect on the solutes in solution.”8 The crystal, in this case was programmed with the intent of unconditional love. The water could be programmed with specific information depending upon the nature of the information programmed into the crystal. If, for example, the crystal was programmed with a sedative, the water would take on this characteristic or vibration. Drinking the water would induce sleep or deep relaxation. Practical applications of this process include agriculture, the preservation of foods, as well as potential uses for healing. The energetic patterns of a fertilizing agent can be stored in a crystal and then transferred into water. The water is then used to irrigate plants. We have found on a small scale experimentation that plants treated in this way show significant growth increase compared to untreated plants. Although in most cases it was found that water generated a weak magnetic field, on one occasion a different effect was noted. Normally the effects noted above were attained by circulating water through a Pyrex glass tube coiled seven clockwise turns, around a Vogel-cut® crystal. By reversing the position of the crystal so that the firing tip was pointed upwards, an energy was released that lifted Marcel off the floor and flung him to the wall. He was standing approximately three feet away from the apparatus when this happened. Afterwards his eyes were burned as if from intense radiation. Water is an unknown because of its familiarity. We have yet to discover the power inherent in this plentiful fluid. When water is circulated and spun around a charged crystal, enormous charge can be released from it. Further research is needed to determine the nature of this energy. It is quite likely that although there is a measurable magnetic field present, it is, in reality, only an effect of something more fundamental in nature than EM fields. It should be noted, however, that the fields present in both the crystal and liquid when charged, whatever the nature of that field, can be cleared by a bulk de-magnetizer. Dr. Glen Rein has called these energies a quantum field or non-Hertzian energy. Dr. Rein has stated that quantum fields are independent of time and distance. This correlates with the observations made by Marcel not only in his work with water, but in his early work with plants as well. His observation is that thought seems to overcome the inverse square law.9 The term “information transfer” is used to refer to an energetic phenomenon that is not in the traditionally accepted electromagnetic spectrum. Although somewhat vague, the term “information” indicates that there is some kind of discreet coding and not just an unqualified energy. When an information transfer takes place from a Vogel-cut® crystal to water, wine, juice, or even milk, there is an abrupt, immediate change in the physical properties of the fluid. For example, in 1986 I was given two bottles of wine. One was a prize winning 1983 Chardonnay from the Sycamore Creek Vineyards. The second bottle was a 1986 Chardonnay from the same vineyard, newly bottled. There was a remarkable difference between the two in regard to body, bouquet, flavor, and even color. I took a sample of the 1986 wine and obtained measurements from the Omega 5 in all three parameters: signature value, internal field, and external field. I then used the Omega 5 to program a Vogel- cut® crystal with this information. Having done this I placed the crystal within a coil of Pyrex glass tubing. The coil was housed within a wooden box. I then poured the 1986 wine through the tubing so that it circulated around the crystal. I did this seven times, so that sample one passed around the crystal once, sample two passed around the crystal twice, sample three, three times, and so on. I also kept a control sample. It was found that sample four perfectly matched the 1983 Chardonnay in body, bouquet, flavor, and color. The remaining six samples did not match the ‘83 wine in any way and, in fact, samples 5 through 7 were bitter and almost undrinkable. The fourth sample was then taken to the Omega and measured. The value obtained was then transferred into a Vogel-cut® crystal. The crystal was placed back into the apparatus and the remainder of the 1986 Chardonnay was circulated around it. In subjective taste testing by all of us present in the laboratory (including the vintners) the 1986 wine seemed to be a duplicate of the 1983 wine. According to Marcel: 1) A crystal (Vogel-cut) tuned to water (454) is programmed with information so that a wine will be brought to completion with all of the reactions that are potential in the chemistry. 2) The wine is then spun around the crystal 1 - 5 times 3) The wine is then measured with the Omega 5 after each spin. 4) A decision is made as to which wine is best. 5) The information is transferred to a master crystal and the wine is run in production with the master crystal. When the information becomes critical (at 4x), an abrupt change in the state of the wine takes place in much the same manner as we have seen with the liquid crystals. “ I believe we are seeing in the wine a critical transfer of information which can then cause abrupt changes in the chemistry of the system.10 “We have found that we can transfer a program for a laboratory unit to a larger industrial unit and then treat the wine in line with no loss of speed for the bottling operation. The structuring that we achieved in the winery was not dissipated by the filtering of the wine or the bottling apparatus. We found that the structured wine is more resistant to rapid breakdown when exposed to the atmosphere and will hold its flavor for extended periods of time.”11 The procedure of circulating a fluid around a programmed Vogel-cut crystal has been done not only with water and wines, but with juices and milk as well. In the case of juices, the following experiment was done by Marcel and Dr. Brian O’Leary. Seven cups of orange juice were used in this experiment. One cup was designated as the control. Cup one contained juice that had been spun around the crystal once. Cup two contained juice that had been spun around the crystal twice. Cup three contained juice that had been spun around the crystal three times and so on to include all six remaining cups. Each cup was then injected with mold. The crystal was programmed with the intent of unconditional love. The following results were observed after one month: 1) control cup: completely moldy and slimy 2) cup 1: very similar to control cup 3) cup 2: slightly less moldy that cup 1 4) cup 3: even less mold than cup 2 5) cup 4: somewhat dark but no growth of mold at all 6) cup 5: somewhat dark and extensive mold growth 7) cup 6: extensive mold growth The results observed here are in keeping with the observations in the wine and water experiments. The fourth pass around the crystal seemed to be the most effective in regard to information transfer and attaining the optimal results. Prior to the fourth pass there seemed to be insufficient information transferred to the wine, water, or juice, and after the fourth pass there appeared to be an excess of information. Once the optimal level of energetic transfer was achieved, a rapid breakdown or degeneration occurred in the medium being used exceeding even that of the control sample. Speculation is there’s a learning curve involved. Just as an individual reaches a saturation point in taking in new information, so too fluids have an overload point. Beyond this, the chemistry of the fluid begins to deteriorate with great rapidity. As more information is added, the deterioration becomes greater and greater. Wines treated by this process once opened can be left for weeks without any detriment to the wine. This is the case for milk also. The chemical breakdown seems to be minimal. source site: vogelcrystals.net/legacy_of_marcel_vogel.htm#informationband
Posted on: Mon, 19 Aug 2013 06:45:41 +0000

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