PRIDE- A destoyer and killer Well I don come, MR talkative to - TopicsExpress


PRIDE- A destoyer and killer Well I don come, MR talkative to the stubborn mind, but I know u wont say I didnt warn you! Read and learn! Pride is a bad quality that some people have. Pride means conceit or inordinate self esteem. This is when you’re too full of yourself and think of yourself more highly than others or than you should. What is it that makes people proud? I’ll tell you! Achievements, Success, Wealth, Social status, Intelligence, Beauty…name it! Oh I come from a wealthy home, I shouldn’t talk to people who aren’t wealthy! We are not of the same class! I’m so popular, I shouldn’t talk to nobodies! These phrases or sentences reek of pride. A proud man is always looking down on things and people; and, of course, as long as you’re looking down, you can’t see something that’s above you-C.S. Lewis. Do you boast about your accomplishments as a person? Do you make people feel bad because they aren’t like you? Do you find it difficult to accept your mistakes or faults? Do you disregard suggestions from your subordinates? There are many disadvantages of being proud. One of such disadvantages of being proud is that you won’t progress. What do I mean? When you’re in a difficult situation and someone junior to you in age, social status or position renders a helpful or brilliant suggestion, your ego stops you from accepting his/her contribution. Proud people are hardly good leaders because they feel that it’s undignifying to take advice, contributions from their followers or subordinates. Hence, they don’t succeed. Pride also makes you suffer in silence. When you’re badly in need of help of any kind, you don’t ask the other person because you’re too full of yourself. No one can fulfill those needs you don’t let show, so you’ve got to swallow your pride! Pride brings unrepentance. When you have offended someone, pride makes you unfeeling and unrepentant hence, you’re unable to admit you’re wrong and apologize. The three words that you will hardly hear a proud fellow utter are: Please, Sorry and Thank you. These are words that keep our relationships with our fellow human beings going. This brings me to the next demerit of being proud. You fail in your relationship with other people. Pride tears friendships apart. In addition, people begin to avoid you, talk bad about you because of this negative trait of yours. You have yourself a bad reputation. Pride causes you to lose great opportunities. When you’re not humble, no one would want to do business with you for example. Pride also makes you unteachable. You feel you know it all so you don’t pay any attention while being taught. You lose out on the opportunity to increase your knowledge and skill as a result. Pride destroys and kills a man! You’re committing suicide by exhibiting pride. Do you want to continue being avoided by people, losing out on opportunities and facing all the trouble associated with pride? Be humble and you will be elevated Swallow your pride and practice humility today!!! Am off to church! #GBAM!!!
Posted on: Mon, 03 Feb 2014 16:54:26 +0000

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