PRINCE CARL EDUARD COBURG is the great uncle of Queen Elizabeth: - TopicsExpress


PRINCE CARL EDUARD COBURG is the great uncle of Queen Elizabeth: Brought up at the British tax-payers expense at Sandringham, when he was 17 he was sent to Germany by his grand mother QUEEN VICTORIA. This British Prince funded the NAZI Party and a Master-Plan to enslave all the nations of EUROPE under one flag, one anthem and one leader. Today, BUCKINGHAM PALACE is still managing this master-plan - they call it the EUROPEAN UNION - and NIGEL FARAGE is the only man who can stop the covert take-over of EUROPE... If only he was to wake up and learn his history about the British Royal Family - Nigel would realise that they are all GERMANS! Hitler described the British Prince Carl Eduard Coburg as the AntiChrist - Hitler said he was intrepid and he frightened Hitler! Even though Prince Carl Eduard wore a NAZI Uniform, he was actually BRITISH and was Queen Victorias favourite grandson. The THIRD REICH is still going strong today, except its called the EUROPEAN UNION. NIGEL FARAGE of the United Kingdom Independence Party hates the European Parliament and the way it makes decisions in secret and dictates to other EU Nations what they should and shouldnt be doing. Nigel Farage smokes cigars like WINSTON CHURCHILL, and drinks pints of beer in front of the cameras. NIGEL FARAGE is a man of the people. He has come from nowhere and through diligent and brilliant political campaigning has become a household name - the only man to challenge so eloquently the DEMOCRATIC DICTATORSHIP of the EUROPEAN UNION. However, Nigel has one more step to go - and that is a challenging task of educating the BRITISH PEOPLE that the most British of institutions - BUCKINGHAM PALACE - is actually run and managed by the COBURG ROYAL FAMILY - they just changed their name to WINDSOR to sound more British... And the awfully undemocratic European SuperState is actually stage-managed by puppet-politicians who are all on the Buckingham Palace payroll... If it wasnt for Nigel, the British POUND sterling would have been dumped 10 years ago. Now, leading into the EUROPEAN ELECTIONS, Nigel is being hounded and dubbed a RACIST. Her Majesty is making sure there is as little opposition to Buckingham Palaces EU SuperState [set up by her great uncle Prince Carl Eduard Coburg who funded Hitler] as possible. The BBC, M.I.5 and Buckingham Palace are going hell for leather and making sure that any Political Party which opposes the amalgamated high-tax regime which we call the European Union is branded as RACIST. Top of the M.I.5 HATE LIST is Mr Nigel Farage. This week, M.I.5 wrecked a UKIP Photo-Opportunity with a Caribbean calypso steel band in London. UKIP very obviously have many non-white candidates and members - UKIP is about getting out of Europe -not attacking black people. As the calypso band started playing, a group of Romanians [MI5] carrying banners started to argue with party activists. UKIP candidate Winston McKenzie, said Mr Farages anti-EU party had promised to bring a strong and positive message to the streets of Britain - and it was very obvious that UKIP was against the EU - not European citizens themselves... Considering that many UKIP candidates and supporters are NON-WHITE - it is very obvious that UKIP is being labelled as RACIST by the BBC & Buckingham Palace because they threaten to throw a giant German Monkey Wrench into the machine of the EU SuperState. The Eu SuperState was set up originally by the Third Reich and invented by Prince Carl Eduard Saxe-Coburg who was Queen Victorias favourite grand-son. The master-plan is basically to squash all local and national identity of all European countries, and replace it with one flag, one leader, one ruler. Buckingham Palace have not uttered a single word opposing the loss of sovereignty in the EU - why? Because Buckingham Palace control the EU from behind the scenes, with Barones Ashton, Neil Kinnock and his family and M.I.6 spy Nigel Lawson all controlling Europe from behind the scenes. The AUSTERITY HIGH-TAX laws and World Bank loan scam of recent years benefitted Buckingham Palace and N.M. Rothschilds marvellously, as it made sure that many European governments would automatically hand over their tax income on a grand direct debit system straight into the coffers of N.M. Rothschild, who, along with Christine LaGarde of the World Bank [best friends with Baroness Rothschild] basically soak up and manage every penny in tax stolen from the wage packets of European workers. Why does Buckingham Palace not say a peep about the EU Parliament and secret COUNCIL OF MINISTERS? Because its all a scam - run by Buckingham Palace from behind the scenes... If M.I.5 and Buckingham Palace scupper NIGEL FARAGES political career, then they will have created the most dangerous of political activists - a man who is loved and respected - and who will use his brilliant speeches to highlight that the DUKE OF EDINBURGHS sister all married prominent NAZI officers - and that the THIRD REICH is no different to the EU SuperState government. About the Author: CHRIS EVERARD is a British author and film-maker - he presents GODS OF THE ANCIENT WORLD on the ENIGMA CHANNEL digital television network. Chris has been supporting UKIP, Amnesty International, Greenpeace and anti EU members of the EU Parliament for 20 years. Go here for DANGEROUS DOCUMENTARIES enigmatv/the_enigma_channel/Sign_Up.html
Posted on: Wed, 21 May 2014 09:11:28 +0000

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