PRINCESS MIMI CRYBABY ABOUT TO GET SECOND SPANKING TUESDAY, OCTOBER 28, 2014 A nurse who treated Ebola patients in West Africa before being briefly and controversially quarantined in New Jersey could be the focus of a new battle over state health policy as she returns to her home state of Maine. . Kaci Hickox left a Newark hospital on Monday and was expected to arrive in the northern Maine town of Fort Kent early Tuesday. Maine health officials have already announced that Hickox is expected to comply with a 21-day voluntary in-home quarantine put in place by the states governor, Paul LePage. . However, one of Hickoxs lawyers, Steve Hyman, said he expected her to remain in seclusion for only the next day or so while he works with Maine health officials. He said he believes the state should follow the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention guidelines that require only monitoring, not quarantine, for health care workers who show no symptoms after treating Ebola patients. . LePage defended the quarantine in a news release Monday, saying that state officials must be vigilant in our duty to protect the health and safety of all Mainers. Adrienne Bennett, a spokeswoman for the governor, told the Portland Press Herald that authorities would take appropriate action if Hickox does not comply with the quarantine, though she did not specify what that action might be. . Word to your mother, MiMi: Maine isnt Joisy. That governor doesnt sound like youre getting his lunch money, and is about to jump on your stupid ass with both feet. And this time, it sounds like they wont send a spokeshole, theyll send armed deputies, and your ass will be nailed inside the damn house. . STFU and take your medicine, or your next quarantine may well be the new isolation bed in the county lockup. . State nursing licensure boards tend to view those sorts of legal entanglements as the sort of thing that has a direct bearing on your ongoing fitness and suitably for the continued practice of nursing, in a professionally influential way. . Dumbass. . And if friend-boy cohabitates with Hickox during her enforced quarantine, U. Maine-Fort Kent, where hes a nursing student, has announced they will refuse him access to campus, which will have a teensy affect on his continued nursing school education there. Like get him suspended and then dropped from the program, and have to ask for re-admission next semester, typically. He may not get back in for some time, given how impacted such programs are. . Play stupid games, win stupid prizes, kids. . And nota bene that despite screwing up the execution, the tally is now 9 states using the Q-word, while D.C. has dithered. . raconteurreport.blogspot/2014/10/princess-mimi-crybaby-about-to-get.html
Posted on: Tue, 28 Oct 2014 13:39:16 +0000

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