PRINCIPLE AND INTEGRITY; THE WATCH-WORDS OF DELTANS DIASPORA-Amamosa Jude As matter of taste, swim with the current; while in matter of principle, stand like a rock. ....................­......Thomas Jefferson. Thomas Jefferson, the 3rd president of United States, in the quote above, highlights the importance of principle as a basic character required of man to lead a life of distinction outside his traditions. Principle is a personal order adopted by man that has to be or usually followed. Its only the man who adopts a particular principle as an essential character outside a usual culture that understands what it costs to live with such principle in relation to a system designed purpose; and the effective operation or use of which would be impossible if such a principle is to be ignored. This simply defines principle as normative rule or code of conduct man is adapted to through adoption. Every principle a man decides to follow or adopt is embedded in his integrity and goes with a given price,recalling that Mans overt character is the product of his principle and integrity. Deltans Diaspora is an online formidable group that is made up of men and women that are very much conscious of the development and progress of Deltans and Delta state through the evolving of true leadership that will pilot the affairs of the state in the interest of all. This is a group whose membership interest is anchored on principle, integrity, sincerity,truth and love for leadership system that will make performance her priority irrespective of party affiliations and the group. DD as it is popularly addressed, will not for any reason compromise her faith, principle and integrity in demanding for passionate leadership that will carry along the interest of every single Deltan. Members of Deltans Diaspora do not believe in anything other than what we stand for, simply because we heard it. DD does not believe in anything simply because its spoken or rumoured by many; neither does it believe in anything simply because it is written; nor does believe in anything merely on the authority of power(s) that be (elders inclusive). Furthermore,it does not believe in insincere traditions because they have been handed down for many generations. On the other hand, DD believes in and pursues a course to a logical conclusion (no matter what it takes) after careful observation, analysis and due consideration of a given order with utmost conviction that the path being toed is conducive and beneficial to the generality of all Deltans. For every truth, there is a cost and a price to pay. So, Deltans Diaspora is assiduously working for a leader with whom we are convinced that the human and capital development of Delta State will be beneficially guaranteed,with utmost accountability, operating full-scale open door policies and programmes that will accommodate every Deltan interest irrespective of cultural,educational, political, economic, ethnic and religious background. Note that no effort is too much a price to pay for a conviction that is genuinely borne out of truth for a leader that is tested and trusted, with much passion for the welfare of the people; in-addition to the believe that the only joy of living is the joy of giving with a life that is exemplary of leadership mirror through which others are examined being a replica of a physically living Bible in human form that Deltans read and follow. Todays leadership struggle in Delta State is the one between true leadership(conscience) and self-interest to which presently, most Deltans have chosen the path of conscience (true leadership) for posteritys sake as can be envisaged in good health-care facilities/programmes, education, agriculture, political and economic system; and above all,through greater love of our dear State through un-quantifiable social amenities and infrastructural development that will enhance better living standard for the people. Know that this period is characterized certainly of so many political rivalries and uncertainties; a period of trial,a time when lines of various divides that has to separate good/evil,weak/strong and eventually the boys from the men are drawn,knowing that this may not have to do with political party colouration; but right through the heart of every man. Recall the words of James Garfield, which says that men who succeed best in public life are those who take risk of standing by their own conviction. To this, Deltans Diaspora is unreservedly standing by her own conviction; the reflection of Deltans interest by making the choice of Senator Arthur Ifeanyi Okowa as the best-bet aspirant for Delta 2015 guber job. Thorough analysis by DD of political pedigree, leadership charisma, performance, experience cum passionate interest of aspirants to lead through public allegiance to Deltans, shows that Senator Okowa is the most distinctly qualified aspirant for Delta state governor in 2015. This no doubt, is in line with Deltans choice of him, thus, leaving our principle and integrity not to be bargained for,with anything outside Okowas emergence; as not even Gold nor Silver can buy nor influence our position/decision as long as the right man OKOWA is in the race. At this juncture, I wish to call on all our well meaning, principled and esteemed supporters of the very distinguished Senator, to remain the soldiers that they are because in no distant time, victory song will surely be for our master SENATOR (Dr.) A.I OKOWA and all Deltans. We humbly use this medium to advocate that we (as a matter of principle that we believe and have adopted) must not allow ourselves to be like the system we oppose,as we cannot afford to be a byword of methods that well be ashamed of when we look back. Finally,we encourage all to give more validly to our conviction in this political affairs and dispensation. God bless Delta State! God bless Deltans Diaspora!! God bless our principal, Dr. Arthur Ifeanyi Okowa!!! .
Posted on: Sat, 30 Aug 2014 06:09:05 +0000

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