PRIORITIZING AGRICULTURE IS IT ALL ABOUT FARM INPUTS? ‘QUEST FOR FEASIBLE MARKET STRATEGIES IN 2015’ DEMAND SIDE IS INCREASINGLY BECOMING THE MOST DESIRABLE FOCUS Tanzanians have been joining hand in grove with development initiatives set forth to relief them from poverty through Effort directed to improving agricultural sector, The fact is agricultures employ more than 80percent of Tanzanians a large proportion in rural area and this fact evolves; the revenues generated from agriculture enables majority of Tanzanians to meet their essential needs including; medical services, paying school fees for their children, as source of food and other expenses ,therefore any meaningful effort directed to improving agricultural sector would have considerable positive impact on enhancement of majority welfare it’s also true neglecting agriculture means jettisoning Tanzanian expectation to almost abruptly stand still. We have witnessed considerable effort made to support farm inputs and continuous encouraging Tanzanians to put much emphasize on agriculture as we get out of 2014, there are areas worth emphasizing; the authorities have neglected the market side of agriculture Tanzanians have been left to indulge in immense risk producing without knowing their real fate of the market, importation and competition with large scale producer proved to have worsen their situation. During the colonial era peasants had suffered the monopsony’ of colonial bureaucracy that necessitated the formation of various peasants union to demand the better price for their produce but this was behind 1961 where the colonial Government determined the fate of the price of their produce ,but what about today do peasants know what they have to produce? What determine the price of their produce? Who support them with farm inputs? Do they have market knowledge? Do peasants know in advance the price in the market? What is the better strategy to subsidize the farm inputs or to subsidize by guaranteeing market price for their produce? What does it means Tanzanians have been deprived access to number of basics needs; limited their ability to afford medical expenses, paying school fees, and reversed their development efforts as invested farm input will remain unexpectedly piled up in stock or sell in jettisoning at loss. Tanzanians will have to extend their expectation for better life for every Tanzanian in 2015 as 2014 is fading out! Tanzania is entering in a transition phase. The country is at the eve of very important socio-economic changes, mostly driven by the discovery of oil/gas/uranium resources, which represent important opportunities; If Tanzania follows a virtuous circle of Development. Though recently Tanzania is considered to be among country that has recorded considerable GDP, However, the recent economic growth has not been translated into reduction of poverty as it has been reported that over 30% of the population continues to live under the national poverty line. It’s important emphasizing that any meaningful efforts to relief people from poverty should be not only directed to agricultural inputs but more importantly in translation of market demand in another words it should be the market that dictate what farmers will have to grow for trade and not a move to adhere a political slogan.
Posted on: Tue, 30 Dec 2014 15:23:42 +0000

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