PRISCILLA VAN SUTPHIN Upstream - TopicsExpress


PRISCILLA VAN SUTPHIN Upstream Ministries--California Facebook/tearsofmercy goinupstream@hotmail Precipice June 25th,2014 Song 2:14-15 AMP [So I went with him, and when we were climbing the rocky steps up the hillside, my beloved shepherd said to me] O my dove, [while you are here] in the seclusion of the clefts in the solid rock, in the sheltered and secret place of the cliff, let me see your face, let me hear your voice; for your voice is sweet, and your face is lovely. 15 [My heart was touched and I fervently sang to him my desire] Take for us the foxes, the little foxes that spoil the vineyards [of our love], for our vineyards are in blossom. “ You’re on the precipice of eternity, and many are not aware of how close My coming is. They’ve been lured asleep by compromise, apathy and complacency. But I am asking you now to be ready for extraordinary change that is coming. Nothing will ever be the same. Life as you know it cannot be Counted on. The things you have taken for granted in the past, cannot be taken for granted any more. My coming is urgently approaching and so many are sleeping in the church. Deep darkness has filled many people as the darkness has covered the earth, but I promised I WOULD ARISE OVER YOU. I promised I would be SEEN upon you. [ Is 60 ] So do not fall to defeatism, and apathy, and the spirits of heaviness that are lurking in the shadows. The vultures are ready to pounce if you let them, but I’ve called you to soar on eagles’ wings Higher above their domain, to fly with ME in the heavenlies and to see things from MY perspective. Keep your oil lamps filled to the brim, for ordinary substances that people count on are not being supplied. There is a plot to starve out many, and to lay many to rest through cruel and unusual means. PRAY these things do not come. I will uncover it all if people will repent and seek My face in this nation. Change is about to turnover many things they think are established. You are on the precipice of GREAT CHANGE. Not the kind some were looking for in last few years, but that which WILL change people’s hearts and expose the hearts of others. Keep focused on ME. Keep focused on the WORD. Do NOT get into bitterness and do not allow critical spirits in your heart. Again I’m not telling you to stop being discerning, and I am not saying do not speak out, because I have called you to speak up against evil. You are called to be an ARMY, not to be a pacifist apathetic sheepfold. True justice is the heart of a prophet. I put that sense of justice there for many of you who are prophetic. I developed it in you through the sufferings you endured, that you would have MY HEART. David was a man after My own heart I said. I have many David’s who have been on the sidelines, participating, but who will now be drawn into direct battle, and into the spotlite to speak out the things I’ve given them to say. I am NOT the God of the new age. I am not the God of the world, though I should be. But I AM the CREATOR Who made heaven and earth and sent My Son to die for them. Many have heard and rejected Me. Many have spurned My love through My servants. But many have not seen the kind of love I am about to pour out. For I have promised a tsunami of My love for a long time now, and it is about to be poured out. Ready your hearts to be enraptured with Your King! For I AM READY and I see the plans that you cannot see. I see the plans of the wicked behind closed doors, and I know all things about them, and about you. Do not hide yourself from Me now. Come to me with your burdens and I will give you rest for your soul. I will heal the hearts who are corrupted by the enemy. I will do miracles upon miracles. Startling miracles will be seen, and people will be in shock, including you, that I do them now. Others will arise trying to mimic them, but they will be shown to be the frauds that they are. Ask and you will receive. Believe that I am GOOD, and that I have your best interest always on My mind. Throw off all the discouragement and expecting of bad things to happen. For I set a table before you in the midst of your enemies I said. I AM Your Rear Guard! I watch over My children like a good parent does. I provide all that is needed for those who are called to My purpose. So BELIEVE that I am FOR you and not against you. Do NOT listen to the voice that makes you feel disqualified, or not good enough. YOU ARE JUSTIFIED BY THE BLOOD OF MY SON. Many continue making mistakes, sinning, but did I not know that when He died on the cross? Did I not show you the parallels to Israel, and how they wandered for 40 years in the desert because they could not attain to the law, nor get all the unbelief and rejection and bitterness out of their hearts. IT IS BY THE BLOOD that you have My righteousness, and I see you through that blood. YOU are My precious possession, and I will make you My jewels. So fret not, and do not take on the condemnation of the enemy. Do not allow it in your heart. He is a liar and the father of lies. He seeks always to steal from you your confidence in My love for you. But it cannot be taken away. My heart is ALWAYS FOR YOU. My love is EVERLASTING and ETERNAL. It is unconditional. I never stop loving you. So rebuke him and his minions from your presence and stay your mind on ME and My promises. Speak them out and sing them out against his ploys. Dance and sing, and dwell in My presence that you could hear My voice speaking to you in the quiet times. REST in My arms and you will find all the peace you need. FOR I AM the PRINCE OF PEACE. My shalom is encompassing you as you worship me. Even when you can’t FEEL it, I am imparting grace to you. Have confidence that My plans for you are for GOOD and not for evil to give you a future and a hope, that you can be the LIGHT OF THE WORLD you have been called to be ! I will remove the little foxes that spoil the vine as you worship ME and seek My face. Don’t worry about the little foxes, just trust ME, that I will remove them as you seek Me. That is why you find yourself crying in My presence, without knowing why. I am healing your heart and plucking out all that the enemy has sown that is not from ME. I love you My bride, and I am at the door, so lean on ME. Lean on the everlasting arms for I am not weak as man is weak. Trust me to bring you through anything that you have to go through. For I am with you always, even to the end.”
Posted on: Wed, 25 Jun 2014 14:16:40 +0000

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