PRISON Hospitality was paramount in Bible times. There were no - TopicsExpress


PRISON Hospitality was paramount in Bible times. There were no Holiday Inns. Itinerant preachers depended upon the kindness of others. And as this passage explains, one never knew when one might entertain an angel. This was the case with Abraham (Genesis 18). Also, the early Church spent a lot of time visiting fellow Christians who were in jail because of their faith. They brought them necessities like food, drink and clothing. It was not easy. Besides the cost, there was always the risk that people associating with imprisoned Christians would be arrested themselves. Yet despite the dangers, the writer of Hebrews urges his readers to take the risk. It’s an essential part of Christian living. Caring for prisoners goes beyond “looking after our own.” In recent times, Christians have dared to care for prisoners. Reformers such as the Quaker, Elizabeth Fry (1780–1845) changed the conditions in prisons, arguing for humane treatment. Today, many Christians are engaged in radical, transforming work with offenders whom society has forgotten—Christianity being based on repentance and hope. Where are those two qualities more needed than in prison? In what practical ways did the Hebrew Christians show their faith? Why did they ignore the possibility of danger? Does visiting prisoners today have the same consequences? What are the similarities and or differences? Why are people reluctant to visit prisoners? When has someone shown hospitality toward you? How would you encourage someone to show hospitality toward others? How will you implement the advice of Hebrews 13.1–3? How can you work to transform the lives of prisoners? Pray: Even if others cannot hear me, or will not listen, I know you will, Lord. Hear the cries of those in prison. Hear my cry for them, too. Hebrews 13:1-3 KJV Let brotherly love continue. Be not forgetful to entertain strangers: for thereby some have entertained angels unawares. Remember them that are in bonds, as bound with them; and them which suffer adversity, as being yourselves also in the body.
Posted on: Thu, 19 Sep 2013 18:36:59 +0000

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