PRIVACY DEALT ANOTHER BLOW/FALSE FLAG ATTACK? In what appears to be just another blow to our right to privacy, our beloved President Obama (are you listening NSA?) just today is issuring his new proposal on Cybersecurity, in the wake of the alleged ISIS hack of Twitter, Youtube and the Pentagons Central Command, allegedly revealing classifed data from U.S. Intelligence. This alleged ISIS breach, occured at the very moments Obama was making a speech on Cybersecurity.......I shit you not! Another warped and highly coincidental opportunity for our current presidential administration to place even further restrictions and complications on Internet security just like Bamas new proposal. According to reports of todays National Journal, the Presidents new proposal broadens the powers of private companies and Government to share information about potential cyberthreats and security vulnerabilities. This Patriot-Act like proposal is already under heavy scrutiny from privacy advocates who have legitimate concerns that such expansive power sharing legislation will allow more intrusion into our private lives and those of all citizens. It makes you wonder.......are these breaches, like the infamous North Korean Sony breach really orignating with some enemy foreign power or, more likely , is this the work of the NSA and the CIA, and special american interests that are determined to continue their unabated assault on our precious yert fading Constitutional rights!! Stop taking for granted these media reports that are so adept at pointing the proverbial finger everywhere but at the current administration that has been wildly successful at downgrading this country into the third world and raising the national debt to heights never before imagined!!
Posted on: Tue, 13 Jan 2015 21:33:01 +0000

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