PRIVATE ATTORNEY GENERAL SET FORTH CLAIMS OF CONSTITUTIONAL CONTEMPT VIOLATION OF CONGRESSIONAL ACTS PUBLIC LAW 73-10 48, 48, 112 HOUSE JOINT RESOLUTION 192 1. State of Emergency Senate Report 93-549 Since March 9, 1933, the United States has been in a state of declared national emergency. In fact, there are now in effect four presidentially- proclaimed states of national emergency: In addition to the national emergency declared by President Roosevelt in 1933, there are also the national emergency proclaimed by President Truman on December 16, 1950, during the Korean conflict, and the states of national emergency declared by President Nixon on March 23, 1970, and August 15, 1971, President Bush and now President Obama. 2. Presidential proclaimed of any State of Emergency is basis on the 1917 Trading With the Enemy Act-itself a wartime delegation of power. The Trading With the Enemy Act had, however, been specifically designed by its originators to meet only wartime exigencies or State of Emergency. 3. Presidents have exercised numerous powers-most notably under the Trading With the Enemy Act-legitimated by that ongoing National Emergency. Hundreds of others have lain fallow, there to be exercised at any time, requiring only an order from the President. 4. Most of the statutes pertaining to emergency powers were passed in times of extreme crisis. Bills drafted in the Executive branch were sent to Congress by the President and, in the case of the most significant laws that ate on the books, were approved with only the most perfunctory committee review and virtually no consideration of their effect on civil liberties or the delicate structure of the U.S. Government of divided powers. 5. Such Congressional Acts as Public Law 1 ,48 stat C 1 (H.R. 1491) and Public Law 73-10 40 stat 411 Trading with the Enemy Act (H.R. 4960) AND public Law 10 ch 48 ,48 stat,112 (HJR 192) Hold Members of the Congress as official trustees over the greatest reorganization of any Bankrupt entity in world history, the U.S. Government.  6. The Government is using the credit of the People of the Nation as the means of operating this Nation as the Federal Reserves Note are not backed by so much as a penny worth of gold but is internal currency. (Pursuant to Congressional Documents of 1933). 7. The Department of Justice and the Judicial branch have knowingly violate their Fiduciary Trustee position of the State of Emergency 12 USC 95b (Public Law 73-10 40 stat 411) by failing to discharge the public debt in the name of the people of this nation. (Per 18 USC section 8 & 12 USC 411) 8. It is an established fact that the United States Federal Government has been dissolved by the Emergency Banking Act, March 9, 1933, 48 Stat. 1, Public Law 89-719; declared by President Roosevelt, being bankrupt and insolvent. H.J.R. 192, 73rd Congress in session June 5, 1933 - Joint Resolution To Suspend The Gold Standard and Abrogate The Gold Clause dissolved the Sovereign Authority of the United States and the official capacities of all United States Governmental Offices, Officers, and Departments and is further evidence that the United States Federal Government exists today in name only. 9. We the people using the Private Attorney General Act (P.A.G.) as authorizes by the 39th Congress now come before our elected Legislatives to “Set Forth” Constitutional Contempt and Violates of Congressional Act before your offices to have them heard, as there is No other party who can bring such a claim. P.A.G. 8116 Arlington Blvd., #132 Falls Church, VA. 22042 Carl Weston; 918 407 1287 Rodney Class; 704 742 3123 talkshoe ID# 48361 AIBRADIO KNOW THE TRUTH, KNOW THE FACTS
Posted on: Tue, 17 Jun 2014 04:02:30 +0000

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