PROBIO5 & HOW IT WORKS Most of us have heard the term “candida - TopicsExpress


PROBIO5 & HOW IT WORKS Most of us have heard the term “candida albicans”, but what exacty is it? Candida is a normal yeast that is part of the intestinal flora. We all have some of this yeast, but when it grows out of control (due to poor diet, antibiotics, stress, etc.) . . . Houston, we have a problem! What kind of problem? An overgrowth of candida yeast can cause: Chronic headaches Weight gain Fatigue and brain fog (or ADD, ADHD, difficulty concentrating) Leaky gut syndrome (leading to food allergies) Digestive issues (diarrhea, constipation, bloating, etc.) Skin problems, such as eczema, psoriasis, and rashes Vaginal yeast infections Autoimmune diseases (Hashimoto’s, Lupus, Ulcerative Colitis, Rheumatoid arthritis) Mood swings, irritability, and even depression That’s a long list, and it’s only some of the health problems that have been attributed to candida overgrowth! So how can ProBio5 help slay this yeasty beasty taking over your body? Yeast and fungal organisms are made up of proteins, chitin, and cellulose structures. The outside of these yeasts and fungi is very tough and difficult to break down. Without breaking through the outside you cannot kill the yeast. Specific enzymes are needed to break down these structures, and ProBio5 contains all the right enzymes to do this. Once these structures are broken down, exposing the interior of the organism, the ingredients in ProBio5 can kill the yeast and restore balance to the force your intestinal flora. So what are these ingredients in ProBio5? Vitamin B6 Vitamin C Grape Seed Extract Bacillus Coagulans L. Acidophilus L. Plantarum B. Longum S. Boulardi Proteases Chitosanase Cellulase Peptizyme SP These ingredients work synergistically to break down and kill pathogenic yeasts and fungi and repopulate the gut with good Bacteria.
Posted on: Tue, 23 Dec 2014 15:05:52 +0000

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