PROBLEM SOLVING TECHNIQUE-A DISCUSSION 31 8 13 Can we be free from - TopicsExpress


PROBLEM SOLVING TECHNIQUE-A DISCUSSION 31 8 13 Can we be free from problems or obstacles in life? Is there another way of handling problems? Today we had a discussion among students of Raja Yoga meditation on the above topic. A short gist of the discussion was as follows: 1. Problems are inevitable. It is fixed in the drama of life at the Iron Age or Kaliyuga. No one can claim not to have encountered any problem in life. 2. Some areas in which problems arise are A] problems in relationships within families involving husband and wife, children and parents etc. B] Problems with the body or health. C] Problems with the elements. Time and again problems arise in nature such as unexpected natural calamities. D] Problems with wealth, loss, becoming bankrupt etc. E] Problems in connection with one’s spiritual endeavor for example removing ones negative tendencies, imbibing virtues like tolerance forgiveness, love etc. This last category is one which few people bother about. But is important from a spiritual perspective of the continuity of life. We make effort to remove our weaknesses such as anger, greed, impatience etc. because we carry over these sanskaras or tendencies in our next existence. WHAT IS THE GENESIS IF PROBLEMS? Some karmic account of the past, distant or recent; obvious or not so obvious is the cause. Nothing happens without a cause. Whatever the cause it is not important to dwell on the cause which we cannot obviously find at this time. The idea is to find the solution. When obstacles come it is important to consider it to be a TEST of your strength to deal with it. When one passes a test he is promoted or given a title just as in boxing. The test is also to make you strong. THE SEQUENCE OF HANDLING A PROBLEM: First of all place it in front God in your meditation. Surrender it to Him with love. In your rememberance of Him even if you have thought out a solution to the problem don’t go to Him occupying you mind with the solution. Keep the line of your intellect clear. It is just like a situation where you expect a phone call from someone at a particular time you don’t engage the line with another person. This gives the opportunity to receive the call or touchings from God as the solution. From the touchings you receive you will now start solving your problem. You have in fact taken intuitive guidance from God to deal with the problem. Now remember you self- respect of who you are and go about solving your problem. By self- respect is meant such understanding as- I am a knowledgeable soul who understand the not only the present but the past and future of situations. If I experience problems , situations circumstances as such there may me fear or total lack of the ability to deal with it. However If I consider it to be a gift to make me go forward I will be able to deal with it head on. There is the saying that we can make a storm[toofan] into a tofa[gift]. The wind may not be blowing to your advantage but its blowing at least so use it for benefit. Another self- respects is - I am a child of the Almighty Authority. What problem is bigger than me! I am one who not only has a connection with God but a constant connection with Him. I am bound to succeed. God’s hand of blessing is over my head. What is greater than that! Like this there are many more self- respects of awareness that gives power to solve problems.
Posted on: Sun, 01 Sep 2013 03:22:07 +0000

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