PROCEDURE WHEN APPLYING FOR NEW INSTALLATION When you require electricity supply to be connected at your premises, here is a step by step procedure on the Dos and Don’ts. OBTAINING APPLICATION FORMS Visit any Customer Service Center or ZESCO office and collect two forms namely the Customer Application form and the Supply Inquiry Form. The forms are provided at no cost to you or download. Customer Application form Carefully read and correctly fill in the form. If not sure of certain details ask the Customer Service Officer for help. Attach to this form the map clearly highlighting the location of the premise you want supplied with power, this will make it easy for ZESCO to locate the place for site inspection. The map could include landmarks where they exist and the location of the existing ZESCO network. Do not give wrong information on the kind of job i.e. standard or non-standard, this could result in cancellation of the application and you would be required to start the process over again. Standard job – where the pole (point of supply) is within 30 meters or below from the premises. Non standard job – where the pole is more than 30 meters away and requires a pole or more to connect your premises Do not give another person to fill in this form for you. Customers who engage and entrust another person to transact for them risk being swindled. Supply inquiry form This form is to be filled in by a qualified electrician to certify that the wiring of your premises is sound as well as provide details of the proposed energy requirements. Download form SUBMISSION OF FILLED IN FORMS Submit the correctly filled in forms to a customer services center or ZESCO office Once your application form has been processed, a 14 digit work reference number that starts with the letter ‘P’ will be given to you. This is your reference number that you will use to make follow up on the status of your application. You could follow up through the Call Centre and at any ZESCO Customer Service Center or Office, it does not have to be where you submitted your forms. Do not apply for electricity supply on undeveloped land (farm/plot) or an incomplete building. This will create an artificial backlog and perceived delays in connections. SITE VISIT Once you have submitted your application form, ZESCO will visit your premises to ascertain the feasibility of supplying quality and safe power. They will look at the existing capacity i.e. available transformer, poles etc in the area. QUOTATION Once you have submitted your application and a thorough site inspection has been done, a quotation will be generated upon which your payment will be based. The quotation is valid for 90 days. A prospective customer you should not pay anyone for the quotation. PAYMENTS Make your payment only at a ZESCO Customer Services Center or Office and ensure to collect a correctly written ZESCO official receipt. CONNECTIONS Do not make any connections that are not authorized by ZESCO. If find you will be arrested for fraudulent appropriation of power under Cap 87, Section 290 of the Laws of Zambia which states that: “Any person who fraudulently abstracts or diverts to his own use of any other person any mechanical, illuminating, or electrical power derived from any machine, apparatus, or substance, the property or another, is guilty of a felony and liable to imprisonment for five years.” BE CONSCIOUS OF, RESIST AND REPORT CORRUPTION The Anti-Corruption Commission Act No. 46 of 1996 of the Republic of Zambia defines corruption as “the soliciting, accepting, obtaining, giving or offering of gratification by way of a bribe or other personal temptation or inducement, or misuse and abuse of public funds for private advantage or benefit.” Acts of corruption take place when two parties are involved; the person who offers and the person that receives. Customers must make every effort never to offer any such temptation or inducement. It is the responsibility and duty of members of the public to report corruption.
Posted on: Mon, 29 Jul 2013 13:22:00 +0000

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