PROF. Adebukunola O. Adefule Ositelu a consultant ophthalmologist, - TopicsExpress


PROF. Adebukunola O. Adefule Ositelu a consultant ophthalmologist, not a virologist or a pharmacognosist, does not base her “ewedu” therapy of Ebola on any scientific research but on a divine revelation. Her only pretense to science is the preparation of ewedu with vinegar. Here is an extract of her interview with the Guardian published on yesterday September 11, 2014. Guardian: Are you saying you have discovered a cure for EVD? Prof Ositelu: The Ebola infection that is ravaging the world now remains a mystery even to the scientists because all efforts to find a cure have been evasive. The virus, which causes this fever, attacks the cells of the body, replicates and multiplies in such body causing the entire cells to be infected. Contact with an infected persons or the fluid of his body could transfer the virus to the one who contacts and the process repeats itself. And you know, most of us don’t really eat monkeys, we don’t eat gorillas and we don’t eat bats; at least, down south here, may be some people do; but most of us don’t eat it. Those who eat bush meat, I’m not sure it’s gorillas and monkeys that they eat. I think, it became worrisome for us how we will be suffering from a disease transmitted through animals that we do not consume. We don’t even move with them because they are not pets. So, some group went into prayers; a particular one went into reservation to pray and after praying and pleading with God, something was released: that it is true it is a virus and at the same time, something simple can be released to us because we have everything, the only thing is that we don’t make use of them. We don’t care when we discover things; people don’t take it seriously, we look down on ourselves so much, we don’t value what we have. This was the thing that was released; that as simple as it is, it is potent enough to give resistance and immunity to the cells of the body against the virus. Guardian: Why have you kept quiet until now? Prof Ositelu: It was sent to The Guardian, Punch, The Nation and Thisday but none of them since July 25, 2014 acknowledged receiving it; and people are still travelling, looking for cure to the disease. Only recently, somebody died in LUTH, brought all the way from Jos. We don’t need to spread this thing. And the remedy is: take enough quantity of Ewedu, rinse and was it with liquid vinegar, then you blend it and cook with only drinkable water for five minutes. First thing in the morning, freshly made, just take 25cl of the herb in an empty stomach once a week for prevention as long as they still say there is Ebola in Nigeria. For cure, you take it daily for five to seven days. This confirms that the wisdom of man is foolishness before God and He only grants knowledge when He desires so to do for the benefit of mankind, whereas many believes that it is their ingenuity that grants them fame- this is underserved accord. Guardian: Has it been tested and confirmed with any Ebola patient? Prof. Ositelu: I don’t have Ebola and I don’t pray you have it; so who do you want me to test it with? They are doing experimental thing abroad and they are using it. It’s only here that we want to prove and make things difficult for ourselves. We know that skeptics would postulate and analyse, but the wisdom of God surpasses that of men and He as the creator of all things know what is good for men. This was revealed by God to His people at a reservation after prayers, if you want, you take it, if you don’t want, you reject it. There is no cause for argument; the wisdom of God is more than any other person’s. He is the one who created all these things and He can reveal it to us as He wants. It’s a grace which I think everyone should embrace. Ewedu is what we all eat, but the way they told us to prepare it is very different from what we’ve been doing before because we use it as delicacy. But this time around, it is used as medicine, for prevention and cure. For those who are vomiting, you know, that’s a very late stage; you can embrace the prevention so that it won’t even get to us because this thing will increase your immunity and make your cells impregnable to those viruses so that you can be able to fight it should incase it comes to you. When the cells are immune to the virus, it becomes impossible for it to penetrate, infect and duplicate itself in such body. Since cells die and new ones are formed, it is therefore important and necessary that the consumption of this grace be made constant- at least once every week throughout the period of the infestation. The constant ingestion of this preparation blocks all passages of the virus into the cells of the body and you combine that with the hygiene: wash your hands and keeping a good environment. For those who are vomiting, it is going to help them; just a little bit at a time until they finish the 25cl. And they take it every day, for five days… For prevention, it’s once a week until they say the continent is clear of Ebola.
Posted on: Fri, 12 Sep 2014 20:41:37 +0000

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