PROFESSOR KWESI BOTCHWEY LEFT MANY CONFUSED AFTER HIS MAIDEN LECTURE AT CENTRAL UNIVERSITY ...................................................... I am very big fun of Prof Kwesi Botchwey and am sure many you economists and financial economists equally admire him. I however have to admit that I disagree with Prof when he said he agree with many of what Dr. Nawumia said a couple of months ago on the same platform. First of all the posture of the presentation by the two economists were different because Dr. Bawumia unfortunately appeared to have been speaking on a political platform talking to TESCON students while Prof realized that the composition of the audience was drawn from different internet groups. It would have been very good if Prof were to tell us the exact points of Bawumia that he agree with. Am not sure he will be agreeing with Bawumias assertion that what we are facing in our economy currently has nothing to do with the external shocks especially that coming from the USA Federal Reserves. If that were the case then am sorry to say that it completely contradict his assertions at Senchi some few weeks ago. Bawumia also blamed the depreciation of the cedi solely on the purported excessive borrowings by the government without telling us that it is also as a result of the trade liberalization policies embarked on by former president Kuffour which made our shops and markets filled with foreign goods which is increasing the demand for the cedi. Bawumia also refused to tell us that the dubious petroleum agreement and minerals agreement signed by President Kuffour has been detrimental to our economy as major part of the petroleum revenue goes outside to the disadvantage of our foreign reserves. I WILL SERIOUSLY APPEAL TO PROFESSOR BOTCHWEY TO CLEAR SOME OF US OUR CONFUSIONS AND TELL US WHICH PARTS OF DR. BAWUMIAS LECTURE DID HE ACTUALLY AGREE WITH. AS IT STANDS MANY ARE CONFUSED AND HOPPING IF SOME CLARIFICATION WOULD BE OFFERED PLEASE PROF.
Posted on: Tue, 03 Jun 2014 22:22:08 +0000

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