PROFITS POLICY New offensive union by the rise of the tax - TopicsExpress


PROFITS POLICY New offensive union by the rise of the tax allowance BY RICARDO CARPENA Guilds government and opposition claim relief this week to almost 3 million workers. Concrete signs asking the government to prevent the issue from being diluted after the campaign. IMAGES Preview. Cristina, with Lorenzino and Kicillof, before the dialogue meeting held in Santa Cruz. / OPI SANTA CRUZ SHARE Votar1Email0 5 RELATED "It is ruled taxing savings" Moyano partner does not change, but look at Massa MORE TAGS Earnings, Cover 26/08/13 Much of unionism from this week step up pressure on the government for change in the income tax to alleviate the salaries of the 3 million workers affected by the downgrade of the tax allowance. The unionists aligned with Sergio Massa materialize in the coming days an initiative that was suspended last week by organizational problems: gather a large campus Renewal Front unionists to demand Cristina Kirchner to decide "soon" rising tax allowance . The meeting is driven massismo union table, four leading members of the labor unions: Héctor Daer (Health), CGT Balcarce, Carlos Acuña (service stations), CGT barrionuevista, Alberto Murua (plastics) , CGT Moyano, and Fabian Alessandrini (ATE North Zone) of the CTA ruling. Massa was the first to put a claim on profits on the agenda of the campaign and introduced a bill to tax financial income and adjust the tax allowance, including automatically updating the wage index as blank. The day before yesterday, in Mar del Plata, the mayor of Tigre again challenge the Casa Rosada: "They say you can not (change the tax) because, really, do not want to tax financial income concentrated sectors. Thus, we find a retiree, a worker or a SME that pays gains and who buy and sell companies, stocks or bonds ends up being benefited and does not pay ". Moreover, the CGT Balcarce analyze this week will present proposals to Cristina Kirchner to finance the reform of income tax as asked business and union leaders last Wednesday, in Santa Cruz. The labor union K dust off a project that had driven a year ago the union of private schools that emerged Horacio Ghilini and Socioeconomic Studies Center and Union (CESS). At the head of this organization, funded by various guilds, is Sergio Carbonetto and before that was directed by his father, Daniel Carbonetto economist, who advised Eduardo Duhalde, Adolfo Rodriguez Saa and Hugo Moyano and also provides input to Guillermo Moreno. The proposed Ghilini on Earnings included these points: "Increase the tax floor for singles without children, raise the tax allowance for married with two children, taxing financial transactions in both the Stock Exchange and in the Open Market Electronic deductions doubling mining exports, reset the tax value of rural land in the province of Buenos Aires and update the box gains scales, so that the tax affects only the higher-income workers ". The CGT driving metallurgical Antonio Calo plans to ask the President a meeting alone to present its proposals on Earnings and insist on the rest of their agenda of demands, such as universal family allowances and reimbursement of funds social work, among other things. In the CTA ruling also plan some initiative insist on Earnings, linked to a tax reform "more progressive", but the owner, Hugo Yasky, clarified that it will be "a proposal that would close the government, which means not defund the State and is also good for the workers. " In the CGT Azopardo, meanwhile, say that this week Hugo Moyano will load with earnings claim, especially to avoid being behind other sectors union since he was the first to re-install the theme as one of the main union demands truck during a march last July. *****************************************************************
Posted on: Mon, 26 Aug 2013 12:32:32 +0000

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